plottertools / vpype-gcode

gcode extension for vpype
MIT License
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Allow storing the "version"/settings somewhere as a default #2

Closed theomega closed 3 years ago

theomega commented 3 years ago

I have configured quite complex settings for my pen plotter, but I have no chance of saving them as defaults. Not sure what would fit the design of this software well. Hardcoding them in the actual source code seems not a great idea because it will be lost with an update. I also think my settings are very special, so they should not become part of this repo

theomega commented 3 years ago

Just for reference, these are my current defaults:

vpype read [...] gwrite --preblock '(Start Block)\n' --move 'G00 Z5\nG00 X%.4f Y%.4f\nM3 S1000\nG4 P0.3\nG01 Z1\n' --line 'G01 X%.4f Y%.4f Z1\n' --header 'M3\nG21\n\n\n' --postblock 'G00 Z 5.0000\nM5 S0\nG4 P0.5\n(End Block)\n\n' --prelayer '(Start Layer)\n' --postlayer '(End Layer)\n\n\n' --scale 0.2645 [filename]
tatarize commented 3 years ago

Yeah, not sure where the temp stuff is stored. I might have to ask @abey79 where he put those other settings. Since this was more intended to get him to include such a writing engine inside vpype. But, I think he has some settings for the hpgl that would make a useful thing.

abey79 commented 3 years ago

vpype can load .toml config file with vpype -c config.toml .... It will automatically load ~/.vpype.toml too, and whatever config file is included in the distribution. TOML are essentially like JSON. They load as a big nested dict/list/etc. In the plug-in, you can access the config this way:

import vpype as vp

print(vp.CONFIG_MANAGER.config)  # big nested dict with all config

From there, just specify the format you like, e.g:

prelayer = "(Start Layer)\n"
postlayer = "(End Layer)\n\n\n"
scale = 0.2645
header =  "M3\nG21\n\n\n"
# ...

prelayer = "..."
# ...

# ...

The user can follow that format and put the config they like in ~/.vpype.toml and use:

vpype read input.svg [...] gwrite --config config1 output.gcode

The plugin would look like:

if "gwrite" not in vp.CONFIG_MANAGER.config or config_name not in vp.CONFIG_MANAGER.config["gwrite"]:
    raise Exception("config not found")

config = vp.CONFIG_MANAGER.config["gwrite"][config_name]

pre_layer = config.get("prelayer", "")
scale = config.get("scale", 1.0)
# ...
tatarize commented 3 years ago

That seems perfect. I'll move the couple user pref configs in there and do that. Likely be a day or so, I have a big buggy project ready to get some feedback shortly. But, this is pretty solid.

theomega commented 3 years ago

What do you guys think about this:

The README would need to be updated to explain where to put the config file. I moved the config from the source 1:1 into the example.

abey79 commented 3 years ago

@tatarize if you want to package a config file with your plug-in, just add it in the manifest and call this at the top of the file:

from pathlib import Path

vp.CONFIG_MANAGER.load_config_file(str(Path(__file__).parent / "bundled_configs.toml"))