plouc / mozaik-demo

Sample mozaïk app with two dashboards
103 stars 75 forks source link

v2 start React error #19

Open kjenney opened 5 years ago

kjenney commented 5 years ago
item info notes
node version v9.2.0
npm version 5.5.1
mozaik-demo version origin/mozaik-261504051511fb6396d7c5e6e9cd3d7ff705be1ca
browser Chromium 56.0.2924

Expected behavior

Demo dashboard should load and display widgets and rotate.

Actual behavior

Dashboard fails to load and displays the following error:

An error occurred while fetching configuration: Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]=%20Check%20the%20render%20method%20of%20%60e%60. for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Checkout the mozaik-2 branch
  3. Merge changes from
  4. Run yarn install
  5. Run yarn build
  6. Run node server.js
timelsass commented 5 years ago

ran into this issue as well

przemuh commented 5 years ago

Fixed in: