plt-tud / r43ples

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EBNF extension for R43ples #9

Open markusgraube opened 10 years ago

markusgraube commented 10 years ago

Extend SPARQL 1.1 EBNF for R43ples features

depressiveRobot commented 8 years ago

This would be very helpful, as I do not know how to extend a DELETE/INSERT query to correctly work with R43ples.

Can you provide me the correct extended query for the following example please:

WITH <urn:testData>
  ?s ?p ?o .
  ?s ?p <new> .
  ?s ?p ?o .
markusgraube commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately the keyword WITH is not supported yet. The same is true for USING

So, the corrected extended query should be

DELETE { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p ?o } }
WHERE { GRAPH <urn:testData> {?s ?p ?o} };   
INSERT { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p <new> } }
WHERE { GRAPH <urn:testData> {?s ?p ?o} }

Since we are doing some really simple rewriting mechanisms of the query (modifying the DELETE to a INSERT into the delete set), the following is not working right now:

DELETE { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p ?o } }
INSERT { GRAPH <urn:testData> { ?s ?p <new> } }
WHERE { GRAPH <urn:testData> {?s ?p ?o} }

Sorry for that. However, these are features which should be added in the future

depressiveRobot commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the information. Have you any time information when full SPARQL support is available or a R43ples BNF?

stephanhensel commented 8 years ago

We are currently working on such a description. I committed a first version of the corresponding document in e886dd2.