pltanton / net_widgets

Network widgets for Awesome WM
MIT License
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wired network indicator missing vpn icon #31

Open trooper91 opened 4 years ago

trooper91 commented 4 years ago

hey there, i ve installed your plugin and it seems to work. if i am connected to the network the indicator is white and red otherwise. but when i am connected to a vpnc vpn which should work regarding your readme there is no change of the indicator icon. even if i restart awesome the indicator icon doesn't change. the config part of net_widgets looks like this

net_wired = net_widgets.indicator({
    interfaces  = {"tun0", "eno1"},
    timeout     = 5,
    skipvpncheck = false

do i miss something? i even played around with the interfaces. if i am using tun0 only (which is my vpn connection) the indicator goes red.

brisk0 commented 4 years ago

I had a similar issue, which I could fix by commenting out the following lines in indicator.lua:

35   if args.skipvpncheck == nil or args.skiproutes or args.skipcmdline then
36     args.skipvpncheck = true
37   end

This line turns off vpncheck if skiproutes or skipcmdline are enabled (which they are by default). As far as I can tell neither of these is necessary for the VPN check function.