plu / pxctest

Execute tests in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators
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Moved launchedProcessLogs outside of loop in extractDiagnostics #21

Closed davetobin closed 7 years ago

davetobin commented 7 years ago

@plu The call of launchedProcessLogs() during runs seems to take a lot of time (up to 15 minutes for some of our test schemes). I have moved it outside the for loop and although it still takes a lot of time to retrieve the logs, it is doing so only once per simulator.

plu commented 7 years ago

Thank you!

davetobin commented 7 years ago

It's the for in FBSimulatorDiagnostics:

for (FBProcessInfo *launchedProcess in launchedProcesses) {
    logs[launchedProcess] = [aslParser diagnosticForProcessInfo:launchedProcess logBuilder:self.baseLogBuilder];

I haven't had time to look into it anymore. The CPU jumps to 99% while doing this.

plu commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the hint. I might have an idea how to solve it. I'll let you know once the change is on master, probably on Sunday.

davetobin commented 7 years ago

Great, thanks.

plu commented 7 years ago

// Edit: I'm going to merge the new branch logfiles into master shortly. It's even easier to install then:

brew install pxctest --HEAD