plu / pxctest

Execute tests in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators
MIT License
800 stars 57 forks source link not working #32

Closed toshi0383 closed 7 years ago

toshi0383 commented 7 years ago

At latest master (0.3.2) build fails. (either via Xcode Cmd+B or ./script/ fails) I could work-around it by removing Spectre from embedded Commander.xcodeproj . Homebrew fails with same error.

$ brew unlink pxctest && brew tap plu/pxctest && brew install pxctest
Unlinking /usr/local/Cellar/pxctest/0.3.1... 0 symlinks removed
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> Updated Formulae
amazon-ecs-cli                       jmxtrans                             rtv

==> Installing pxctest from plu/pxctest
==> Cloning
Updating /Users/a14786/Library/Caches/Homebrew/pxctest--git
==> Checking out tag 0.3.2
==> ./scripts/ /usr/local/Cellar/pxctest/0.3.2/libexec
Last 15 lines from /Users/a14786/Library/Logs/Homebrew/pxctest/
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/tmp/pxctest-20170331-10773-1wigcy1/Dependencies/Commander/.build/checkouts/Spectre.git--7655155069707042687/Sources/Context.swift'
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/tmp/pxctest-20170331-10773-1wigcy1/Dependencies/Commander/.build/checkouts/Spectre.git--7655155069707042687/Sources/Expectation.swift'
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/tmp/pxctest-20170331-10773-1wigcy1/Dependencies/Commander/.build/checkouts/Spectre.git--7655155069707042687/Sources/Failure.swift'
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/tmp/pxctest-20170331-10773-1wigcy1/Dependencies/Commander/.build/checkouts/Spectre.git--7655155069707042687/Sources/Global.swift'
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/tmp/pxctest-20170331-10773-1wigcy1/Dependencies/Commander/.build/checkouts/Spectre.git--7655155069707042687/Sources/GlobalContext.swift'
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/tmp/pxctest-20170331-10773-1wigcy1/Dependencies/Commander/.build/checkouts/Spectre.git--7655155069707042687/Sources/Reporter.swift'
<unknown>:0: error: no such file or directory: '/tmp/pxctest-20170331-10773-1wigcy1/Dependencies/Commander/.build/checkouts/Spectre.git--7655155069707042687/Sources/Reporters.swift'
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1


The following build commands failed:
    CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
(1 failure)

If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):
plu commented 7 years ago

Which Xcode version do you have?

toshi0383 commented 7 years ago

Sorry forgot to mention. Xcode8.2.1 on ElCapitan

toshi0383 commented 7 years ago

On Xcode8.2.1 on Sierra(10.12.4), I encountered same error.

plu commented 7 years ago

Thank you. It's probably related to Xcode 8.2.1, since Travis on 8.3 is green. I will look into it tomorrow.

plu commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed on master and version 0.3.3.

toshi0383 commented 7 years ago

Awesome. Now it works🙌