plu / pxctest

Execute tests in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators
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Taking a long time to launch app #34

Closed davetobin closed 7 years ago

davetobin commented 7 years ago

Since updating pxctest and xcode (to 8.3) I have noticed that testing takes a long time to actually begin. It looks like the app is installed on the simulator but then there is a few minutes delay until the app is actually launched. I have tried with both the latest pxctest version and pxctest --HEAD and see the same issue with both. Here is the command I'm running:

pxctest run-tests --destination 'name=iPhone 6s,os=iOS 10.3' --destination 'name=iPhone 6s Plus,os=iOS 10.3' --testrun "<path to .xctestrun>" --output ~/Desktop/test

Partial log output at point of delay:

2017-04-07 11:13:55.849858 pxctest[8314:71970] A4625354-FCE6-4834-BD82-0ED20668CD6C: TestManager Did Connect => TestManager Awaiting Result for (Test Host PID 8597 | Test Host Bundle | Session ID 9220E72D-3C1D-4EF2-B82A-BB3A931A17E4) 2017-04-07 11:13:55.878928 pxctest[8314:71970] A4625354-FCE6-4834-BD82-0ED20668CD6C: Test Plan Started 2017-04-07 11:13:55.879154 pxctest[8314:71970] A4625354-FCE6-4834-BD82-0ED20668CD6C: _XCT_didBeginExecutingTestPlan 2017-04-07 11:13:55.879551 pxctest[8314:71970] A4625354-FCE6-4834-BD82-0ED20668CD6C: Started initilizing for UI testing. 2017-04-07 11:16:11.458411 pxctest[8314:71970] 2E83107C-1BA9-46A9-A858-BA37C069A6DE: _XCT_testSuite:didStartAt: 2017-04-07 11:16:11.458937 pxctest[8314:71970] 2E83107C-1BA9-46A9-A858-BA37C069A6DE: _XCT_testSuite:didStartAt: 2017-04-07 11:16:11.459320 pxctest[8314:71970] 2E83107C-1BA9-46A9-A858-BA37C069A6DE: _XCT_testSuite:didStartAt:

I have also tried with a single simulator and I see the same issue.

plu commented 7 years ago

We recently migrated to 8.3 as well, but didn't see this issue. However we're not using UI tests, we use KIF instead.

davetobin commented 7 years ago

Thanks for getting back but I'm going to close this. It seems it's not a pxctest issue. I am also seeing this issue with xcodebuild. Thanks