plu / pxctest

Execute tests in parallel on multiple iOS Simulators
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can't find .xctestrun file #7

Closed okanerdogan09 closed 7 years ago

okanerdogan09 commented 7 years ago

Hi After running build command I get _/var/folders/sc/b19wblj5bv5wyph7hw5y5b95jc55b/T/SchemeScriptAction-Qjp2Sy: line 2: $: command not found TEST BUILD SUCCEEDED And i cant see that build/Products file generated.Is there something i missed. And I should inform you also i get the message below while installing it. _

You are using OS X 10.12. We do not provide support for this pre-release version. You may encounter build failures or other breakages


plu commented 7 years ago

Can you please post your full xcodebuild command that you're using?

plu commented 7 years ago

And I should inform you also i get the message below while installing it.

This is coming from Homebrew.

okanerdogan09 commented 7 years ago

I fix command not found issue but still can not find .xctestrun file.

/var/folders/sc/b19_wblj5bv5wyph7hw5y5b95jc55b/T/SchemeScriptAction-Qjp2Sy: line 2: $: command not found

xcodebuild command I am using xcodebuild -IDEBuildLocationStyle=Custom -IDECustomBuildLocationType=Absolute -IDECustomBuildProductsPath="$PWD/build/Products" -scheme 'Staging' -workspace 'lng.xcworkspace' -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5,OS=10.1' build-for-testing

okanerdogan09 commented 7 years ago

hi i am able to run my test now thanks.

plu commented 7 years ago

Happy to hear that!