pluginkollektiv / cachify

Smart but efficient cache solution for WordPress. Use DB, HDD, APC or Memcached for storing your blog pages. Make WordPress faster!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Problems with AMP #233

Open douglasferraz89 opened 3 years ago

douglasferraz89 commented 3 years ago

The plugin does not work correctly on AMP pages.

If you use AMP in standard mode, Cachify generates a cache that makes it impossible for pages in AMP to load correctly.

This happens because Cachify apparently caches before the AMP plugin generates the pages, that is, it does the cache without the optimizations that the AMP plugin does. It appears that AMP Optimizer does not run.

This happens in all cache modes: Memcache or HDD.

And the AMP WP website makes reference that the AMP plugin is compatible, but apparently not compatible.

I did the test on localhost and on an online server and the problem happens.

I think this is the best cache plugin, but unfortunately it has this bug, and many sites are using AMP.

stklcode commented 4 months ago

Is this still an issue and is there and real need for it in 2024?

AFAIK Cachify does not contain any AMP-specific code, so it may have worked at some point or not (never tested it myself). I personally tend to not fix this as the relevance of AMP has significantly decreased over the last three years.