plugsy / core

A simple, pluggable dashboard and status page
161 stars 4 forks source link

Enhancement: Make items clickable #18

Closed petersem closed 3 years ago

petersem commented 3 years ago

Add a parameter in the labels that contains a link. Then make items on the dashboard clickable.

For example, sonarr may have a link to a new window for x.x.x.x:8989 Screenshot_20210701-081738

Inlustra commented 3 years ago

It does this already, the whole reason I built this project!

Inlustra commented 3 years ago

For the docker connector, you can use the label:

Best bet is to read the docs for the connector you're using though

petersem commented 3 years ago

Sweet. will check it out.

petersem commented 3 years ago

@Inlustra Can links be opened in a new window though? I couldn't find a mention of that.

andlil commented 3 years ago

@Inlustra Can links be opened in a new window though? I couldn't find a mention of that.

+1 for new window.

Inlustra commented 3 years ago

Good shout!

I think I might change the behaviour and have it open in a new window by default. Anyone against that?

petersem commented 3 years ago

@Inlustra this is the way

Inlustra commented 3 years ago

This has been changed in V4.0.0, clicking the item will by default open it in a new tab

petersem commented 3 years ago
