pluja / blogo

A lightweight blogging engine that backs itself up to Nostr!
MIT License
120 stars 10 forks source link

no entry point error #8

Closed Stefanistkuhl closed 2 months ago

Stefanistkuhl commented 2 months ago

so i tried to run it on a debian vm and got

steps to reproduce:

  1. run the 2 mentioned commands to selfhost
ERRO[0000] error waiting for container:

so then i tried it with docker compose and the logs say this: exec /app/blogo: exec format error

when i check the container in portainer it says null.

edit: i fixed this by adding ENTRYPOINT ["app/blogo"] to the dockerfile

pluja commented 2 months ago

Hi, could you try pulling the latest version and running:

docker run \
  --name blogo \
  --env-file .env \
  --volume $(pwd)/articles:/app/articles \
  --publish 3000:3000 \
  --detach \

(or the latest docker-compose.yml file)

Stefanistkuhl commented 2 months ago

still the same outcome with exec /app/blogo: exec format error not found with docker compose and the command. Also on the container where i modifeied the image if i run the command for a new post it doenst show up on the site i ran docker exec -it blogo blogo -new my-post-slug edited the file and added new md files but none would show up.

pluja commented 2 months ago

Hi, I am unable to replicate your issue. I do exactly this:

1.Create a new directory: mkdir /tmp/blogo && cd /tmp/blogo

  1. Get the .env file: wget -O .env
  2. Run blogo (both with docker run and docker compose I get the same result):
docker run \
  --name blogo \
  --env-file .env \
  --volume $(pwd)/articles:/app/articles \
  --publish 3000:3000 \
  --detach \
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000 and see blogo running.

Please, make sure you stop and remove any blogo containers, and that you pull the latest blogo image docker pull pluja/blogo:latest before testing.

edited the file and added new md files but none would show up.

Did you make sure the draft attribute is set to false? if you visit http://localhost:3000/p/the-post-slug can you see your post as a draft?

Stefanistkuhl commented 2 months ago

i get a diffrent error now

5:20PM INF Using path: /app
5:20PM WRN No .env file found, using default settings or environment variables.
5:20PM FTL Failed to load timezone location '"UTC"' error="unknown time zone \"UTC\""

these were my steps to reproduce:

rm -rf blogo
docker stop blogotest && docker rm blogotest
mkdir blogo
cd blogo/
docker pull pluja/blogo:latest
docker run   --name blogo   --env-file .env   --volume $(pwd)/articles:/app/articles   --publish 3001:3000   --detach   pluja/blogo:latest
wget -O .env
docker run   --name blogo   --env-file .env   --volume $(pwd)/articles:/app/articles   --publish 3001:3000   --detach   pluja/blogo:latest
pluja commented 2 months ago

I think this is related to the TIMEZONE variable in the .env file. You should change it to whatever timezone you prefer, for example Europe/Amsterdam

Stefanistkuhl commented 2 months ago

i still get

6:14PM INF Using path: /app
6:14PM WRN No .env file found, using default settings or environment variables.
6:14PM FTL Failed to load timezone location '"Europe/Amsterdam"' error="unknown time zone \"Europe/Vienna\""

and the same thing when Europe/Amsterdam like you listed me as an example

pluja commented 2 months ago

That's weird, can you share how are you hosting it? The command / compose file you use.

I tried running locally with the latest version and I am able to use "UTC" as value without issues:

[+] Running 0/1
 Container blogo  Recreated                                                                                                              0.4s 
Attaching to blogo-testing
blogo-testing  | 9:45PM INF Using path: /app
blogo-testing  | 9:45PM WRN No .env file found, using default settings or environment variables.
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF Loaded settings:
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF     ~ Title: Blogo
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF     ~ Description: Welcome to Blogo, a light and easy blog. No complicated extras, just a straightforward blog. Now, here's the twist: Blogo can also publish your posts straight to Nostr for backing them up and getting even more reach. Lift your ideas higher!
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF     ~ Url: http://localhost:3500
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF     ~ Keywords: blog
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF     ~ Timezone: UTC
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF     ~ Analytics: yes
blogo-testing  | 
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF PUBLISH_TO_NOSTR is set to false. Not publishing...
blogo-testing  | 7:45PM INF Starting server on port 3000...
Stefanistkuhl commented 2 months ago

I used the commands mentioned above but this time i edited to .env file set it to a TZ which i copied from here. I tried it on a rpi4b with pios lite and debian bullseye but tried it on a debian vm aswell with bookworm and got the same err. (I repulled the image ofc)

pluja commented 2 months ago

Can you share the variable definition? I think the error is because for some reason, it is trying to use "UTC" as the timezone including the " symbols:

5:20PM FTL Failed to load timezone location '"UTC"' error="unknown time zone \"UTC\""

The correct timezone should be without the "

Stefanistkuhl commented 2 months ago
pi@raspberrypi:~/blogo $ cat .env
BLOGO_DESCRIPTION="A blog built with Blogo!"
BLOGO_KEYWORDS="blog,open source"

pluja commented 2 months ago

Can you try removing the "?

Stefanistkuhl commented 2 months ago

works now thx