plumatic / dommy

A tiny ClojureScript DOM manipulation and event library
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Android 4.0 stock browser compatibility with Dommy? #79

Open ryanmmmmm opened 10 years ago

ryanmmmmm commented 10 years ago

We are attaching click handler events but for some reason on older android 4.0 stock browsers they do not seem to attach properly.

On Android 4.1 and higher everything is working fine:

(dommy/listen! elem type callback)

any thoughts or testing/compatibility info for these versions of android?

Yes old versions of android have crufty browser engines!

loganlinn commented 10 years ago

Dommy attaches events with attachEventListener when supported, otherwise tries to use attachEvent for IE < 9. I am not familiar with DOM event quirks of Android old stock browser, but I suspect if it isn't working, these two methods aren't supported. One solution might be to try the strategy of [this] in dommy.core/listen!. Pull request welcome!