plumed / plumed2

Development version of plumed 2
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
364 stars 289 forks source link

Improve coverage isdb #1144

Closed Mertcan-Puncist closed 3 weeks ago

Mertcan-Puncist commented 1 month ago

this pull request focuses on enhancing the coverage test result for the isdb/metainference

1- regtest/isdb/rt-caliber-negres-zero

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Caliber.cpp lines|

 165           0 :     doregres_zero_=true;
 166           0 :     log.printf("  doing regression with zero intercept with stride: %d\n", nregres_zero_);

 225           4 :   if(doregres_zero_) {
 226           0 :     addComponent("scale");
 227           0 :     componentIsNotPeriodic("scale");
 228           0 :     valueScale=getPntrToComponent("scale");

2- regtest/isdb/rt-Metainference-averaging

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Metainference.cpp lines|

 410           0 :     average_weights_stride_ = averaging;
 411           0 :     optsigmamean_stride_    = averaging;

3- regtest/isdb/rt-coverage-EMMI-TEMP

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/EMMI.cpp lines|

 513           0 :   else kbt_=plumed.getAtoms().getKbT();

4- regtest/isdb/rt-coverage-EMMI-anneal-fact

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/EMMI.cpp lines|

 622           0 :     log.printf("  length of annealing cycle : %u\n",nanneal_);
 623           0 :     log.printf("  annealing factor : %f\n",kanneal_);

1596           0 :     anneal_ = get_annealing(step);
1597           0 :     getPntrToComponent("anneal")->set(anneal_);

5- regtest/isdb/rt-coverage-EMMI-ovstride

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/EMMI.cpp lines|

 626           0 :     log.printf("  stride for writing model overlaps : %u\n",ovstride_);
 627           0 :     log.printf("  file for writing model overlaps : %s\n", ovfilename_.c_str());

6- regtest/isdb/rt-jcoupling-string-type

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Jcoupling.cpp lines|

 173           0 :   } else if(string_type == "CUSTOM") {

7- regtest/isdb/rt-metainference-likelihood

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Metainference.cpp lines|

 445           0 :     else if(stringa_like=="LOGN") gen_likelihood_ = LIKE_LOGN;

 726           0 :     else if(gen_likelihood_==LIKE_LOGN) log.printf(" and a log-normal likelihood\n");

8- regtest/isdb/rt-metainference-mc-chunksize

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Metainference.cpp lines|

1185           0 :     if ((MCchunksize_ * i) >= sigma_.size()) {

1289           0 :       for (unsigned j=0; j<sigma_.size(); j++) {
1290           0 :         indices.push_back(j);

9- regtest/isdb/rt-metainference-optisigmamean-sem-max

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Metainference.cpp lines|

 461           0 :   else if(stringa_optsigma=="SEM_MAX")  do_optsigmamean_=2;

1581         178 :   if(do_optsigmamean_>0) {
1582             :     // remove first entry of the history std::vector
1583           0 :     if(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][0].size()==optsigmamean_stride_&&optsigmamean_stride_>0)
1584           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].erase(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].begin());
1585             :     /* this is the current estimate of sigma mean for each argument
1586             :        there is one of this per argument in any case  because it is
1587             :        the maximum among these to be used in case of GAUSS/OUTLIER */
1588           0 :     std::vector<double> sigma_mean2_now(narg,0);
1589           0 :     if(master) {
1590           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_now[i] = weight*(getArgument(i)-mean[i])*(getArgument(i)-mean[i]);
1591           0 :       if(nrep_>1) multi_sim_comm.Sum(&sigma_mean2_now[0], narg);
1592             :     }
1593           0 :     comm.Sum(&sigma_mean2_now[0], narg);
1594           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_now[i] *= 1.0/(neff-1.)/norm;
1595             : 
1596             :     // add sigma_mean2 to history
1597           0 :     if(optsigmamean_stride_>0) {
1598           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].push_back(sigma_mean2_now[i]);
1599             :     } else {
1600           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) if(sigma_mean2_now[i] > sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i][0]) sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i][0] = sigma_mean2_now[i];
1601             :     }
1602             : 
1603           0 :     if(noise_type_==MGAUSS||noise_type_==MOUTLIERS||noise_type_==GENERIC) {
1604           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) {
1605             :         /* set to the maximum in history std::vector */
1606           0 :         sigma_mean2_tmp[i] = *max_element(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].begin(), sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].end());
1607             :         /* the standard error of the mean */
1608           0 :         valueSigmaMean[i]->set(std::sqrt(sigma_mean2_tmp[i]));
1609           0 :         if(noise_type_==GENERIC) {
1610           0 :           sigma_min_[i] = std::sqrt(sigma_mean2_tmp[i]);
1611           0 :           if(sigma_[i] < sigma_min_[i]) sigma_[i] = sigma_min_[i];
1612             :         }
1613             :       }
1614           0 :     } else if(noise_type_==GAUSS||noise_type_==OUTLIERS) {
1615             :       // find maximum for each data point
1616             :       std::vector <double> max_values;
1617           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) max_values.push_back(*max_element(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].begin(), sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].end()));
1618             :       // find maximum across data points
1619           0 :       const double max_now = *max_element(max_values.begin(), max_values.end());
1620             :       // set new value
1621           0 :       sigma_mean2_tmp[0] = max_now;
1622           0 :       valueSigmaMean[0]->set(std::sqrt(sigma_mean2_tmp[0]));
1623             :     }
1624             :     // endif sigma mean optimization
1625             :     // start sigma max optimization
1626           0 :     if(do_optsigmamean_>1&&!sigmamax_opt_done_) {
1627           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_max_.size(); i++) {
1628           0 :         if(sigma_max_est_[i]<sigma_mean2_tmp[i]&&optimized_step_>optsigmamean_stride_) sigma_max_est_[i]=sigma_mean2_tmp[i];
1629             :         // ready to set once and for all the value of sigma_max
1630           0 :         if(optimized_step_==N_optimized_step_) {
1631           0 :           sigmamax_opt_done_=true;
1632           0 :           for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_max_.size(); i++) {
1633           0 :             sigma_max_[i]=std::sqrt(sigma_max_est_[i]*dnrep);
1634           0 :             Dsigma_[i] = 0.05*(sigma_max_[i] - sigma_min_[i]);
1635           0 :             if(sigma_[i]>sigma_max_[i]) sigma_[i]=sigma_max_[i];
1636             :           }
1637             :         }
1638             :       }
1639           0 :       optimized_step_++;

10- regtest/isdb/rt-metainference-optisigmamean-sem

i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Metainference.cpp lines|

 460           0 :   else if(stringa_optsigma=="SEM")  do_optsigmamean_=1;

1581         178 :   if(do_optsigmamean_>0) {
1582             :     // remove first entry of the history std::vector
1583           0 :     if(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][0].size()==optsigmamean_stride_&&optsigmamean_stride_>0)
1584           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].erase(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].begin());
1585             :     /* this is the current estimate of sigma mean for each argument
1586             :        there is one of this per argument in any case  because it is
1587             :        the maximum among these to be used in case of GAUSS/OUTLIER */
1588           0 :     std::vector<double> sigma_mean2_now(narg,0);
1589           0 :     if(master) {
1590           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_now[i] = weight*(getArgument(i)-mean[i])*(getArgument(i)-mean[i]);
1591           0 :       if(nrep_>1) multi_sim_comm.Sum(&sigma_mean2_now[0], narg);
1592             :     }
1593           0 :     comm.Sum(&sigma_mean2_now[0], narg);
1594           0 :     for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_now[i] *= 1.0/(neff-1.)/norm;
1595             : 
1596             :     // add sigma_mean2 to history
1597           0 :     if(optsigmamean_stride_>0) {
1598           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].push_back(sigma_mean2_now[i]);
1599             :     } else {
1600           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) if(sigma_mean2_now[i] > sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i][0]) sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i][0] = sigma_mean2_now[i];
1601             :     }
1602             : 
1603           0 :     if(noise_type_==MGAUSS||noise_type_==MOUTLIERS||noise_type_==GENERIC) {
1604           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) {
1605             :         /* set to the maximum in history std::vector */
1606           0 :         sigma_mean2_tmp[i] = *max_element(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].begin(), sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].end());
1607             :         /* the standard error of the mean */
1608           0 :         valueSigmaMean[i]->set(std::sqrt(sigma_mean2_tmp[i]));
1609           0 :         if(noise_type_==GENERIC) {
1610           0 :           sigma_min_[i] = std::sqrt(sigma_mean2_tmp[i]);
1611           0 :           if(sigma_[i] < sigma_min_[i]) sigma_[i] = sigma_min_[i];
1612             :         }
1613             :       }
1614           0 :     } else if(noise_type_==GAUSS||noise_type_==OUTLIERS) {
1615             :       // find maximum for each data point
1616             :       std::vector <double> max_values;
1617           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) max_values.push_back(*max_element(sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].begin(), sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].end()));
1618             :       // find maximum across data points
1619           0 :       const double max_now = *max_element(max_values.begin(), max_values.end());
1620             :       // set new value
1621           0 :       sigma_mean2_tmp[0] = max_now;
1622           0 :       valueSigmaMean[0]->set(std::sqrt(sigma_mean2_tmp[0]));
1623             :     }
1624             :     // endif sigma mean optimization
1625             :     // start sigma max optimization
1626           0 :     if(do_optsigmamean_>1&&!sigmamax_opt_done_) {
1627           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_max_.size(); i++) {
1628           0 :         if(sigma_max_est_[i]<sigma_mean2_tmp[i]&&optimized_step_>optsigmamean_stride_) sigma_max_est_[i]=sigma_mean2_tmp[i];
1629             :         // ready to set once and for all the value of sigma_max
1630           0 :         if(optimized_step_==N_optimized_step_) {
1631           0 :           sigmamax_opt_done_=true;
1632           0 :           for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_max_.size(); i++) {
1633           0 :             sigma_max_[i]=std::sqrt(sigma_max_est_[i]*dnrep);
1634           0 :             Dsigma_[i] = 0.05*(sigma_max_[i] - sigma_min_[i]);
1635           0 :             if(sigma_[i]>sigma_max_[i]) sigma_[i]=sigma_max_[i];
1636             :           }
1637             :         }
1638             :       }
1639           0 :       optimized_step_++;

Note about test 9 and 10 :

These two tests covers the same lines between 1581-1639


i coppyed this original test

modified and name it

to cover:

covered isdb/Metainference.cpp lines|

 547           0 :     doregres_zero_=true;
 548             :     // check if already sampling scale and offset
 549           0 :     if(doscale_)  error("REGRES_ZERO and SCALEDATA are mutually exclusive");
 550           0 :     if(dooffset_) error("REGRES_ZERO and ADDOFFSET are mutually exclusive");

 790           0 :     log.printf("  doing regression with zero intercept with stride: %d\n", nregres_zero_);

12- regtest/isdb/rt-metainferencebase-averaging

i coppyed this original test:

modified and name it:

to cover:

covered isdb/MetainferenceBase.cpp lines|

 168           0 :     decay_w_ = 1./static_cast<double> (averaging);
 169           0 :     optsigmamean_stride_ = averaging;

1365          84 :     if(optsigmamean_stride_>0) {
1366           0 :       for(unsigned i=0; i<narg; ++i) sigma_mean2_last_[iselect][i].push_back(sigma_mean2_now[i]);

13- regtest/isdb/rt-metainferencebase-likelihood

i coppyed this original test:

modified and name it:

to cover:

covered isdb/MetainferenceBase.cpp lines|

 185           0 :     else if(stringa_like=="LOGN") gen_likelihood_ = LIKE_LOGN;

 587           0 :     else if(gen_likelihood_==LIKE_LOGN) log.printf(" and a log-normal likelihood\n");

14- regtest/isdb/rt-metainferencebase-regres-zero

i coppyed this original test:

modified and name it:

to cover:

covered isdb/MetainferenceBase.cpp lines|

 274           0 :     doregres_zero_=true;

 650          31 :   if(doregres_zero_)
 651           0 :     log.printf("  doing regression with zero intercept with stride: %d\n", nregres_zero_);

15- regtest/isdb/rt-metainferencebase-sem-max

i coppyed this original test:

modified and name it:

to cover:

covered isdb/MetainferenceBase.cpp lines|

 200           0 :   else if(stringa_optsigma=="SEM_MAX")  do_optsigmamean_=2;
Target release

I would like my code to appear in release v2.9

Type of contribution
Iximiel commented 1 month ago

Before going down in particular (I think someone like @carlocamilloni or @GiovanniBussi should be better than me at commenting on the scientific side of the tests)

I took your comment and ran diff on all the couples of directories you listed.

Output in spoiler Using `diffstat` to produce a readable report: - `diff rt-caliber rt-caliber-negres-zero | diffstat` ``` allforce.0.reference |62712 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- plumed.dat | 1 2 files changed, 31357 insertions(+), 31356 deletions(-) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-Metainference-averaging | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 1 + report.txt |only tmp |only 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+) ``` - `diff rt-emmi-gauss-mpi rt-coverage-EMMI-TEMP | diffstat` ``` COLVAR.reference | 2 deriva.reference | 412 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- plumed.dat | 2 3 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-) ``` - `diff rt-emmi-gauss-mpi rt-coverage-EMMI-anneal-fact | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) ``` - `diff rt-emmi-gauss-mpi rt-coverage-EMMI-ovstride | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-jcoupling-string-type | diffstat` ``` atom_forces.reference | 276 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- miorig.reference | 12 +- plumed.dat | 2 3 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-) ``` - `diff rt-noe-mi rt-metainference-likelihood | diffstat` ``` COLVAR.reference | 24 ++++++++++++------------ plumed.dat | 1 + 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-metainference-mc-chunksize | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-metainference-optisigmamean-sem-max | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-metainference-optisigmamean-sem | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-metainference-regres-zero | diffstat` ``` MISTATUSmij.reference | 2 atom_forces.reference | 274 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- miorig.reference | 14 +- plumed.dat | 3 4 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-metainferencebase-averaging | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) ``` - `diff rt-noe-mi rt-metainferencebase-likelihood | diffstat` ``` COLVAR.reference | 24 ++++++++++++------------ plumed.dat | 1 + 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-metainferencebase-regres-zero | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) ``` - `diff rt-jcouplings-mi rt-metainferencebase-sem-max | diffstat` ``` plumed.dat | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) ```

in rt-Metainference-averaging you accidentally pushed tmp and the report.txt

For some tests there is no difference between the original one and the modified one:

This means that the test is passing through those lines (since the coverage is improving) but there is no proof of that happening in the output, we should either rethink the new tests or add some extra output references.

Mertcan-Puncist commented 4 weeks ago

Tests that i could not Fix

this tests improves coverage results, but i couldn't adjust the test to show a diffrence

2- regtest/isdb/rt-Metainference-averaging

i took this test and i added this line:

/plumed.dat line 26 AVERAGING=1

8- regtest/isdb/rt-metainference-mc-chunksiz

i took this test and i added this line:

/plumed.dat line 26 MC_CHUNKSIZE=1

12- regtest/isdb/rt-metainferencebase-averaging

i took this test and i added this line:

/plumed.dat line 16 AVERAGING=1

These lines require supporting or related code to produce a different output.

NOTE: The name of the tests is mostly named by : rt-name of the module - name of the type/value i set for this code