• Currently the only way to search for contributors is by manually changing the field searched from the default "Media" to "Contributors" using the pull-down menu. Would it be possible for a "Media" search to also search the "Contributors" category? Or is there another way for a user to search for all his/her media uploads?
• it would be nice to find "immersive" and "immersion" by searching for "immers"
• Modify search feature to allow users to search by date range
• Currently the only way to search for contributors is by manually changing the field searched from the default "Media" to "Contributors" using the pull-down menu. Would it be possible for a "Media" search to also search the "Contributors" category? Or is there another way for a user to search for all his/her media uploads? • it would be nice to find "immersive" and "immersion" by searching for "immers" • Modify search feature to allow users to search by date range