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Design a Plone 3 buildout for Plumi 0.3 #750

Closed mgogoulos closed 6 years ago

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Reported by and on 5 Jul 2007 14:54 UTC Migrate Plumi to be based on Plone 3

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Modified by and on 6 Nov 2007 09:16 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 12 Dec 2007 19:32 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by anonymous on 13 Dec 2007 16:48 UTC

adding links to tutorials etc that may help with plone3 crossover techniques.

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by trollfot on 13 Dec 2007 17:49 UTC I am maybe a bit out of the context, but, I'm quite aware of all these techniques, we could discuss it. It will need a real brainstorm on many points. Maybe we should start a wiki page or something, first to discuss the level of changes we'd like to introduce. Do we want it Plone3-compatible or Plone3 style.

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 13 Dec 2007 21:53 UTC Im just documenting resources for us, or other people to use , whilst we upgrade the suite of packages that Plumi uses , to be plone 3 compatiable.

Policy product example -

This has a good PDF - A talk from PloneConf in Napoli , from Martin Aspeli

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Modified by andycat on 8 Feb 2008 03:13 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 21 Feb 2008 20:35 UTC hey

here is the start of the plone 3 buildout for plumi

It doesnt work yet ;) You need the attached diff , but even that still doesnt work.

We need to figure out where to work in the plumi SVN structure - at the moment the buildout.cfg is just using the plumi trunk (which only works on plone 2.5)

I guess we could validly start hacking on the trunk of plumi to get it into plone 3 readiness, or use a branch?

Trollfot has some success with ATVideo/StructuredDocument and plone 3, that he may share soon too ;)


mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 25 Mar 2008 06:45 UTC

links for the migration , as well as migration from ATEngageVideo to some other content object.

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 10 Apr 2008 01:25 UTC

The latest from March 26th

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 21 Apr 2008 22:35 UTC Latest buildout work -

ATVideo changeset - PlumiSkin changeset -

plumi discuss list email -

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by trollfot on 7 Jul 2008 21:50 UTC Just a note to say : the actual trunk does work fine on Plone3, except few bugs. Only problem visible : no Javascript on the whole site.

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by and on 8 Jul 2008 10:59 UTC This seems to be a key priority right now, trollfot and andy both working on it so bumping up to 0.3.

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by anonymous on 17 Sep 2008 19:31 UTC Replying to trollfot:

Just a note to say : the actual trunk does work fine on Plone3, except few bugs. Only problem visible : no Javascript on the whole site.

Is this still the case on the latest SVN of plumi or has Javascript been resolved?

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Modified by anna on 25 Nov 2008 01:19 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 8 Jan 2009 03:50 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 11 Jan 2009 10:29 UTC trollfot's buildout work -

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Modified by andycat on 11 Jan 2009 10:31 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Modified by anna on 12 Jan 2009 01:43 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 3 Feb 2009 05:44 UTC Latest plone 3 / plumi 0.3 buildout instances are :

a freshly made "Plone site" with plumi 0.3 installed (ie no old plumi 0.2 objects)


which is a copy of EM's stable site, ie existing ZODB, with the Plumi 0.2 content object

FYI The latest changelogs for Plumi :

and the buildout :

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Modified by andycat on 27 Apr 2009 14:48 UTC

mgogoulos commented 6 years ago

Comment by andycat on 27 Apr 2009 14:54 UTC

contains a functioning buildout.

Lets close this ticket, and open more specific ones if the buildout cfg needs changing.