Closed plural-bot closed 2 years ago
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
docker-compose.yml - `rabbitmq 3-management` - `influxdb 1.8`
Dockerfile - `bitwalker/alpine-elixir 1.11.4` - `alpine 3.16.2` - `erlang` dockerfiles/Dockerfile.dump www/Dockerfile - `node 16.15-slim` - ` 1.19.8-alpine` www/e2e/cypress.Dockerfile - `cypress/included 10.4.0`
.github/workflows/daily.yml - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/setup-node v3` - `EndBug/add-and-commit v9` .github/workflows/firebase-hosting-pull-request.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `FirebaseExtended/action-hosting-deploy v0` .github/workflows/pr-labels.yaml - `mheap/github-action-required-labels v2` .github/workflows/publish.yaml - `actions/checkout v2` - `erlef/setup-beam v1` - `azure/setup-helm v3` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `8398a7/action-slack v3` - `actions/checkout v3` - `docker/metadata-action v4` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` - `google-github-actions/auth v0` - `google-github-actions/setup-gcloud v0.6.2` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/build-push-action v3` - `8398a7/action-slack v3` - `actions/checkout v3` - `docker/metadata-action v4` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` - `google-github-actions/auth v0` - `google-github-actions/setup-gcloud v0.6.2` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/build-push-action v3` - `8398a7/action-slack v3` - `actions/checkout v3` - `softprops/action-gh-release v1` .github/workflows/push-to-plural.yaml - `actions/checkout v3` - `hashicorp/setup-terraform v2` - `azure/setup-helm v3` - `pluralsh/setup-plural v0.1.5` - `8398a7/action-slack v3` .github/workflows/test.yaml - `actions/checkout v3` - `docker/metadata-action v4` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` - `docker/build-push-action v3` - `actions/checkout v2` - `erlef/setup-beam v1` - `azure/setup-helm v3` - `actions/cache v2` - `actions/cache v2` - `8398a7/action-slack v3` .github/workflows/www.yaml - `actions/checkout v3` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v2` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v2` - `docker/build-push-action v3` - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/setup-node v3` - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/setup-node v3` - `actions/checkout v3` - `actions/setup-node v3` - `8398a7/action-slack v3` - `trymbill/cypress-slack-video-upload-action v1.3.0`
.gitlab-ci.yml - ` 19.03.13-dind` - ` 1.9.4` - ` 0.1.8`
plural/helm/plural/values.yaml - ` v1.8.5` - ` 2.7.2` - ` 11.7.0-debian-10-r9` - ` 0.8.0`
plural/helm/plural/Chart.yaml - `hydra 0.16.0` - `test-base 0.1.3`
apps/api/mix.exs - `sentry 8.0.6` - `phoenix ~> 1.5.7` - `phoenix_pubsub ~> 2.0` - `phoenix_ecto ~> 4.0` - `ecto_sql ~> 3.1` - `postgrex >= 0.0.0` - `phoenix_html ~> 2.13` - `basic_auth ~> 2.2.2` - `phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.2` - `gettext ~> 0.11` - `jason ~> 1.0` - `guardian ~> 1.2.1` - `cors_plug ~> 2.0` - `plug_cowboy ~> 2.5` - `reverse_proxy_plug ~> 1.2.1` - `libcluster ~> 3.1.1` - `prometheus_ex ~> 3.0` - `prometheus_plugs ~> 1.1.1` - `remote_ip ~> 0.2.0` apps/core/mix.exs - `sentry 8.0.6` - `ecto_sql ~> 3.3.4` - `ecto ~> 3.3.2` - `postgrex >= 0.0.0` - `ex_machina ~> 2.3` - `comeonin ~> 5.1.2` - `argon2_elixir ~> 2.0` - `piazza_core ~> 0.3.8` - `inet_cidr ~> 1.0.0` - `dns ~> 2.4.0` - `bamboo ~> 2.0` - `parallax ~> 1.0` - `bourne ~> 1.1` - `flow ~> 0.15.0` - `joken ~> 2.1.0` - `guardian ~> 1.2.1` - `arc ~> 0.11.0` - `arc_gcs ~> 0.1.0` - `porcelain ~> 2.0` - `ex_aws ~> 2.1` - `ex_aws_s3 ~> 2.0` - `ex_aws_sts ~> 2.0` - `configparser_ex ~> 4.0` - `sweet_xml ~> 0.6` - `arc_ecto ~> 0.11.1` - `dictionary ~> 0.1.0` - `mojito ~> 0.3.0` - `nebulex 2.0.0-rc.1` - `kazan ~> 0.11` - `workos ~> 0.1.2` - `decorator ~> 1.3` - `botanist ~> 0.1.0` - `x509 ~> 0.7.0` - `yaml_elixir ~> 2.4` - `timex ~> 3.6` - `oauth2 ~> 2.0` - `websockex ~> 0.4` - `hackney ~> 1.18.0` - `tzdata ~> 0.1.8` - `prometheus_ex ~> 3.0` - `stripity_stripe ~> 2.7` - `conduit ~> 0.12` - `conduit_amqp ~> 0.6.3` - `mime ~> 1.2` - `ex_image_info ~> 0.2.4` - `instream ~> 1.0` - `swarm ~> 3.4.0` - `poison ~> 3.0` - `cloudflare ~> 0.2` - `mint ~> 1.0` - `mimic ~> 1.1` - `google_api_iam ~> 0.40` - `google_api_cloud_resource_manager ~> 0.41` - `google_api_cloud_billing ~> 0.23` - `google_api_service_usage ~> 0.18` apps/cron/mix.exs apps/email/mix.exs - `phoenix ~> 1.5.7` - `phoenix_html ~> 2.11` - `phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.2` - `phoenix_live_dashboard ~> 0.4` - `telemetry_metrics ~> 0.4` - `telemetry_poller ~> 0.4` - `bamboo_phoenix ~> 1.0` - `gettext ~> 0.11` - `jason ~> 1.0` - `plug_cowboy ~> 2.0` apps/graphql/mix.exs - `absinthe ~> 1.5.0` - `absinthe_relay ~> 1.5.0` - `absinthe_plug ~> 1.5.0` - `dataloader == 1.0.6` - `apq ~> 1.2.1` - `hammer ~> 6.1` apps/rtc/mix.exs - `sentry 8.0.6` - `phoenix ~> 1.5.7` - `phoenix_html ~> 2.11` - `phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.2` - `telemetry_metrics ~> 0.4` - `telemetry_poller ~> 0.4` - `gettext ~> 0.11` - `jason ~> 1.0` - `plug_cowboy ~> 2.5` - `absinthe_phoenix ~> 2.0` - `libcluster ~> 3.1.1` - `prometheus_ex ~> 3.0` - `prometheus_plugs ~> 1.1.1` - `websockex ~> 0.4` apps/worker/mix.exs mix.exs - `distillery ~> 2.1` - `x509 ~> 0.7.0` - `shards ~> 1.0` - `ecto ~> 3.3.2` - `hackney ~> 1.18.0` - `absinthe_plug ~> 1.5.0`
www/e2e/package.json - `@cypress/webpack-preprocessor 5.12.2` - `@pluralsh/eslint-config-typescript 2.3.0` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.33.1` - `cypress 10.4.0` - `ts-loader 8.4.0` - `typescript 4.7.4` - `webpack 5.74.0` - `node >=16.14.0` - `yarn 3.2.1` www/package.json - `@absinthe/socket 0.2.1` - `@apollo/client 3.7.1` - `@emotion/react 11.10.5` - `@emotion/styled 11.10.5` - `@gitbeaker/browser 35.7.0` - `@growthbook/growthbook 0.19.0` - `@growthbook/growthbook-react 0.10.0` - `@jest/types 29.2.1` - `@nivo/core 0.80.0` - `@nivo/geo 0.80.0` - `@nivo/line 0.80.0` - `@octokit/core 3.6.0` - `@testing-library/jest-dom 5.16.5` - `@testing-library/react 13.4.0` - `@types/styled-components 5.1.26` - `apollo-absinthe-upload-link 1.7.0` - `buffer 6.0.3` - `country-code-lookup 0.0.20` - `cra-template 1.2.0` - `d3-hierarchy 3.1.2` - `d3-selection 3.0.0` - `emoji-mart 3.0.1` - `filesize 8.0.7` - `fireworks-js 1.4.1` - `forge-core 1.4.6` - `fuse.js 6.6.2` - `grommet 2.27.0` - `history 5.3.0` - `honorable 0.144.0` - `honorable-recipe-mp 0.3.0` - `honorable-theme-default 0.65.0` - `js-yaml 4.1.0` - `lodash 4.17.21` - `memoize-one 6.0.0` - `moment 2.29.4` - `phoenix 1.6.15` - `pluralsh-absinthe-socket-apollo-link 0.2.0` - `pluralsh-design-system 1.241.0` - `prop-types 15.8.1` - `query-string 7.1.1` - `randomcolor 0.6.2` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-animations 1.0.0` - `react-collapsible 2.10.0` - `react-copy-to-clipboard 5.1.0` - `react-countdown 2.3.3` - `react-credit-cards 0.8.3` - `react-diff-viewer 3.1.1` - `react-dnd 16.0.1` - `react-dnd-html5-backend 16.0.1` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `react-file-icon 1.2.0` - `react-file-picker 0.0.6` - `react-icons 4.6.0` - `react-json-view 1.21.3` - `react-multiline-clamp 2.0.0` - `react-portal 4.2.2` - `react-resize-detector 7.1.2` - `react-router-dom 6.4.2` - `react-sage 0.3.16` - `react-script-hook 1.7.2` - `react-scripts 5.0.1` - `react-spinners 0.13.6` - `react-stripe-elements 6.1.2` - `react-sweet-progress 1.1.2` - `react-toggle 4.1.3` - `react-transition-group 4.4.5` - `react-use-intercom 1.5.2` - `react-virtualized-auto-sizer 1.0.7` - `react-window 1.8.8` - `react-window-reversed 1.4.1` - `rehype-raw 6.1.1` - `slate 0.84.0` - `slate-history 0.81.3` - `slate-react 0.83.2` - `styled-components 5.3.6` - `uuid 9.0.0` - `workbox-core 6.5.4` - `workbox-expiration 6.5.4` - `workbox-precaching 6.5.4` - `workbox-routing 6.5.4` - `workbox-strategies 6.5.4` - `xterm-addon-fit 0.6.0` - `xterm-for-react 1.0.4` - `xterm-theme 1.1.0` - `@babel/core 7.19.6` - `@babel/eslint-parser 7.19.1` - `@babel/preset-env 7.19.4` - `@babel/preset-react 7.18.6` - `@graphql-codegen/add 3.2.1` - `@graphql-codegen/cli 2.13.11` - `@graphql-codegen/introspection 2.2.1` - `@graphql-codegen/typescript 2.8.1` - `@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations 2.5.6` - `@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo 3.3.6` - `@pluralsh/eslint-config-typescript 2.4.0` - `@pluralsh/stylelint-config 1.0.0` - `@types/randomcolor 0.5.6` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 5.42.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 5.42.0` - `concurrently 7.5.0` - `eslint 8.26.0` - `eslint-config-pluralsh 3.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-import 2.26.0` - `postcss-import 8.2.0` - `serve 14.0.1` - `source-map-explorer 2.5.3` - `stylelint 14.14.1` - `typescript 4.8.4` - `wait-on 6.0.1` - `node >=16.15.0` - `yarn 3.2.3`
plural/terraform/aws/ - `terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws 3.14.0` plural/terraform/aws/ plural/terraform/aws/ plural/terraform/gcp/
Closing in favor of #207
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
)Detected dependencies