pluralsight / PS-AutoLab-Env

A PowerShell module for creating lab configurations using Lability and Desired State Configuration. Look at for more information.
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DNS is Driving me Crazy! #244

Closed LoudCloudDragon closed 3 years ago

LoudCloudDragon commented 3 years ago

DNS, DFS, Secure Channel, Can't connect Domain (DC1)

My setup

Progress, status, current config At first I had no internet but I figured out I needed to get rid of 1 - 2 of my NetNat's so I wiped that out and afterwards I started getting different error messages and established internet connection so I am moving in the right direction. All systems, local, remote, virtual, meet or exceed the minimums.

There are two items I feel may be misconfigured during post install config; Root Hints, CA stuff, and service account choice for authentication.

Symptoms Error Codes will be below

Things that I have tried not necessarily in order

  1. Disabled IPv6 scope in DHCP and Root Hints _I still see a bunch of roots with IPv6 even after a reboot of DC1 so not sure what to do about that.
  2. Flushing ipconfig stuff, reboots, etc.
  3. Checked DNS config in the snap-in and things look ok, I guess, but I am not sure what is and is not right so...
  4. After DC1 reboot:
    1. Restarted services; NETLOG ON, DFS (any service with that as part of the name)

AutoLab_DNS Issue

Error Codes

**I have not added S1 to DNS config. I have changed very little, if anything, in DNS config.

jdhitsolutions commented 3 years ago

The first thing to recognize is that these configurations are not standing up production-ready systems. They were designed to meet minimum requirements for a given Pluralsight training course. There are a number of settings and services that are admittedly incomplete. For example, the CA role is mostly setup but not completely.The fact that you are finding incomplete settings is to be expected, but the configurations were complete enough to meet their initial demands.

All of that said, you should still have some network connectivity between VMs and the host and VMs. Although the Windows Firewall in the VMs may not be configured for ICMP. When you ran the setup, did the Pester test complete successfully? If you are setting a configuration up for your own use, you very well may have to make changes, which you are welcome to.

jdhitsolutions commented 3 years ago

Change location to the MultiRole directory and run:

Invoke-Pester .\VMValidate.test.ps1

Does everything still pass? If any of the tests fail for a VM, restart the VM, wait 5 minutes and try the test again.

LoudCloudDragon commented 3 years ago

Executing all tests in '.\VMValidate.test.ps1'

Executing script .\VMValidate.test.ps1

Describing DC1 [-] [DC1] Should allow a PSSession but got error: The credential is invalid. 5 57ms Expected $true, but got $false. 85: $false | Should Be $True at , C:\Autolab\Configurations\MultiRole\VMValidate.test.ps1: l ine 85

Describing S1 [-] [S1] Should allow a PSSession but got error: The credential is invalid. 3m s Expected $true, but got $false. 112: $false | Should Be $True at , C:\Autolab\Configurations\MultiRole\VMValidate.test.ps1: l ine 112

Describing Cli1 [-] [CLI1] Should allow a PSSession but got error: The credential is invalid. 3ms Expected $true, but got $false. 193: $false | Should Be $True at , C:\Autolab\Configurations\MultiRole\VMValidate.test.ps1: l ine 193 Tests completed in 2.71s Tests Passed: 0, Failed: 3, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0

PS C:\Autolab\Configurations\MultiRole>

I understand that the lab is created in a way to facilitate the curriculum. I am a powershell student who is attempting to create a Small/Med business environment mockup lab (fully functional) for AD (my E3 Microsoft license provides the other env: for powershell). Hyper-V is local on my beefy laptop

jdhitsolutions commented 3 years ago

I'm assuming this test was 20-30 minutes after you started the setup process. For no reason that I can pinpoint, sometimes configurations don't finish. I would suggest using Hyper-V to shut down each VM and restart them. Change to the MultiRole directory and run Shutdown-Lab then Run-Lab. Wait 10 minutes then re-run Invoke-Pester.

The only thing that makes sense is that the AD configuration is failing to get applied. I'm assuming you didn't change any of the configuration files. If you still have issues, I'd suggest starting over. On occassion, I've found that something fails to run and the best course of action is to try again. Run Wipe-Lab. Then run Open-PSAutolabHelp and follow the instructions in the Detailed Setup Instructions to do a manual setup. If you get to this step, post a reply and also include the output of the Get-PSAutoLabSetting command.

LoudCloudDragon commented 3 years ago

PS C:\Autolab\Configurations\MultiRole> Invoke-Pester Pester v4.10.1 Executing all tests in '.' Tests completed in 0ms Tests Passed: 0, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0, Inconclusive: 0

At this point I am going to wipe the lap and start over. Please feel free to close the issue or if you wish, await until I rebuild the Lah bore rah tory.

LoudCloudDragon commented 3 years ago

After Wiping and setting up manually; the lab seems better. I am still getting DNS related issues including DFS stuff BUT, for what I need (powershell targets), everything seems to be working. I am able to create PSSessions, invoke commands, and so on.

Here is the Pester from after the wipe and setup.

AutoLab : C:\Autolab PSVersion : 5.1.18362.1171 PSEdition : Desktop OS : Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise FreeSpaceGB : 714.46 MemoryGB : 32 PctFreeMemory : 79.04 Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz IsElevated : True RemotingEnabled : True HyperV : 10.0.18362.1049 PSAutolab : {4.18.0, 4.17.0} Lability : 0.19.1 Pester : {4.10.1, 3.4.0} PowerShellGet : PSDesiredStateConfiguration : 1.1

I think the issue is closed now. I will make Checkpoints and try to work out my errors another time. It is not essential right now and my test (MCSA) is fast approaching.

jdhitsolutions commented 3 years ago

As long as the Pester tests pass, that was our minimum bar of success. I know the configurations didn't do anything with DFS and setup a bare bones minimum AD/DNS.

LoudCloudDragon commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your guidance and expertise.