plus1tv / react-anime

✨ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ A super easy animation library for React!
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Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null #43

Open jeanverster opened 6 years ago

jeanverster commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

Trying to use React Anime in my project, and I keep getting the above error!

node v9.8.0 react v16.2.0

Snippet of my code:

render () {
    const { type, show, title, fetching, handleCloseModal, initialValues } = this.props
    let defaultValues = initialValues || {}
    let animeProps = {
      opacity: [0, 1],
      translateY: [-64, 0],
      delay: (el, i) => i * 200
    return (
      <Anime {...animeProps}>
          show &&
            {this._renderForm(type, defaultValues)}

Where show is a bool being passed from the parent component. I am also using styled-components throughout the app if that makes any difference?

The error seems to be in the actual anime.min.js file inside node_modules - not inside react-anime itself, but there is nothing there on the issue either. Anyone had this before and manage to solve it?

klabelkholosh commented 6 years ago

I'm sitting with the same issue.. did you manage to fix it?

NicolaSansom commented 6 years ago

I am also having the same issues I do not have styled-components so it should not be related to that

jeanverster commented 6 years ago

I haven't managed to solve this yet unfortunately. Any feedback would be appreciated!

bhersey commented 6 years ago

Also experiencing this issue, have a functional component that gets re-rendered by a parent class component according to some state changes, which also updates a call to apollo/graphql (not sure if this is potentially a pitfall). Without anime wrappers, the component works as expected, but with them I now get the "Cannot read property 'nodeType' of null" error. I suspect this falls somewhere on the component rendering in the lifecycle before Anime is ready, but not sure how to test this yet. I understood you guys had done some work on lifecycle methods for Anime mounting/unmounting, but haven't found it in the documentation. I am going to dig into the typescript files and see what I can find, but would appreciate any guidance if anyone has any. I realize the devs are busy with other projects, but just hoping anyone has any insight.

ApeNox commented 6 years ago

Have you guys tried not using the Anime component as the root element for the component render function.


manakuro commented 6 years ago

Did you try to give Anime component uniquekey value, which is id, index or something? @jeanverster

ex) If you pass down id to the component, it will be like this

render () {
    const { type, show, title, fetching, handleCloseModal, initialValues } = this.props
    let defaultValues = initialValues || {}
    let animeProps = {
      opacity: [0, 1],
      translateY: [-64, 0],
      delay: (el, i) => i * 200
    return (
      <Anime {...animeProps} key={}> // this is supposed to be unique value
          show &&
            {this._renderForm(type, defaultValues)}
quinnliu commented 6 years ago

Also encountering this error with "react": "^16.2.0" and "redux": "^3.7.2"

hardikmodha commented 6 years ago

I'm also facing the same issue with "react": "16.0" in jest snapshot testing.

TotallWAR commented 6 years ago

The same one

TotallWAR commented 6 years ago

@manakuro thx, it helped to me strangly

JoxieMedina commented 6 years ago

The @manakuro advice do the trick for me, I'm using this library with Gatsby

vladknp commented 6 years ago

Did you try to give Anime component uniquekey value, which is id, index or something? @jeanverster

ex) If you pass down id to the component, it will be like this

render () {
    const { type, show, title, fetching, handleCloseModal, initialValues } = this.props
    let defaultValues = initialValues || {}
    let animeProps = {
      opacity: [0, 1],
      translateY: [-64, 0],
      delay: (el, i) => i * 200
    return (
      <Anime {...animeProps} key={}> // this is supposed to be unique value
          show &&
            {this._renderForm(type, defaultValues)}

It seems to be a unique key={11}, but it's not working When key={} is in use, it works.

cizz3007 commented 5 years ago

this is the answer

susannepeng commented 4 years ago

Just adding on to this, it will happen even if your Anime element isn't at the top level of your component. In my case I had a div as the top level element and I had to make sure that the div element was the one that had a unique key.


<div key={id +}>
    <Anime />
hlolli commented 4 years ago

Using works, but it's a terrible solution. The component is re-rendered on every update, making the lifecycles begin and complete unuseable.

cizz3007 commented 4 years ago

if you use or combine anything with at key={} attribute. every component will re-rendered on every update. it's shit. every trigger that you are doing is cause re-rendering component

paramsinghvc commented 4 years ago

The error means that the targets passed in is null. In my case, I was passing target using React ref.current which could be null across renders. Simply applying a null check on it solved it.