plus3it / amigen9

Set of Tools to Provide Automation of Tasks for Creating STIG-Partitioned EL9 AMIs and Other VM-Template Types
Apache License 2.0
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Adds support for more Distros #13

Closed ferricoxide closed 9 months ago

ferricoxide commented 9 months ago

Validated in us-east-1. Added further support for Alma Linux, Rocky Linux and Oracle Linux. Created images for all distros supported by AMIgen9:

$ aws ec2 describe-images \
    --owner self \
    --query 'sort_by(
      Images, &CreationDate
      CreationDate >= `2023-12-13`
    ].{ImageId:ImageId,CreationDate:CreationDate,Name:Name}' \
    --output table
|                                                 DescribeImages                                                  |
|       CreationDate       |        ImageId         |                            Name                             |
|  2023-12-13T16:49:41.000Z|  ami-00c82c4735af44214 |  spel-minimal-alma-9-hvm-2023.12.1-b01.x86_64.gp3           |
|  2023-12-13T16:50:27.000Z|  ami-057cec947bffc736d |  spel-minimal-centos-9stream-hvm-2023.12.1-b01.x86_64.gp3   |
|  2023-12-13T16:52:23.000Z|  ami-04d0d6d42be1257be |  spel-minimal-rhel-9-hvm-2023.12.1-b01.x86_64.gp3           |
|  2023-12-13T16:53:27.000Z|  ami-0d6ef8cf0a413b52e |  spel-minimal-rocky-9-hvm-2023.12.1-b01.x86_64.gp3          |
|  2023-12-13T17:16:15.000Z|  ami-02e384313ad333a81 |  spel-minimal-ol-9-hvm-2023.12.1-b01.x86_64.gp3             |