plus3it / join-domain-formula

Salt formula to join systems to an Active Directory domain
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add clean state to join domain #194

Closed ihenyene closed 1 year ago

ihenyene commented 1 year ago

Create a workflow that will reverse the changes made by the sssd directory’s automation.

  1. perform a realm leave
  2. Ensure that any DDNS records associated with the host are nuked (or at least an attempt to nuke made)
  3. ensure that the /etc/sssd/conf.d/.conf and /etc/krb5.keytab files are deleted
  4. ensure that the /etc/sssd/sssd.confand /etc/krb5.conf files are reverted to the same state they were when the sssd-common RPM was initially installed
  5. The /etc/krb5.conf.d directory is emptied