plus3it / spel

STIG-Partitioned Enterprise Linux (spel)
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Add Bootstrap-Builder Logic to Packer Builder-List #651

Closed ferricoxide closed 5 months ago

ferricoxide commented 7 months ago

Facilitates a process for creating bootstrap AMIs that can be used with the Packer amazon-chroot builder (which requires access to the bootstrap-AMIs' underlying snapshot).

Closes #647

ferricoxide commented 7 months ago

Until Red Hat fixes their 5.14 kernel, this is probably pointless. May even be pointless beyond that, except if we want to be able to eventuall automate the cross-distro creation of bootstrap-images.

ferricoxide commented 7 months ago

CodeBuild will fail on this, regardless, until #650 is merged (since that PR accounts for "the /boot fails to unmount because it's busy" problem).

ferricoxide commented 5 months ago

Now pending merge of #660 (don't want to do the same bit of code in two different PRs)

ferricoxide commented 5 months ago

Due to gap in work and associated other changes to spel, closing this PR (and the branch it came from) in favor of a new branch and PR