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Image resizing #134

Closed AterIgnis closed 7 years ago

AterIgnis commented 7 years ago


I am sending photo to my bot with KakaoTalk and it is being resized to 960points. Is this limit on transfer image size by bot API, or am I doing something wrong? What are constraints on images? (API has guides on image size and format when responding from bot, but does not define image constraints when sent from user)


plusfriendteam commented 7 years ago

You can choose a resolution of the picture when you select. There are three resolutions; standard, high, and original.

d0nsergio commented 7 years ago


Thank you for your answer. And could you please share more details how and where to select resolutions.? I cannot find any way to select an image resolution in Kakao Talk messenger for Android. Also I cannot find any information about resolution in API specification here.

Thank you.

plusfriendteam commented 7 years ago

You can find a button if you look at the bottom left of the screen. image

Click it.

Then, you can see this. image

Choose one and click the next button on top right. image

Finally, you can meet the resolution select box! :-) image

d0nsergio commented 7 years ago


Ok, thank you for support!