pluskid / Mocha.jl

Deep Learning framework for Julia
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Test error #168

Closed ashleylid closed 8 years ago

ashleylid commented 8 years ago

Haven't a clue what this means:

while loading /home/ashley/.julia/v0.4/Mocha/test/layers/softmax.jl, in expression starting on line
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: test failed: all(-eps .< vec(got_grad) - vec(grad) .< eps)
 in expression: all(-eps .< vec(got_grad) - vec(grad) .< eps)
pluskid commented 8 years ago

Hi can you provide more information? There should be context information being printed. Something like which layer (softmax here) is being tested on what backend with float32 or float64.

ashleylid commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the delay in reply. The tests work fine with CPU but not when the running on GPU. Soon as I figure out how to pipe the whole output to file I will post it, for now this is just copy and paste:

> using Mocha
> ENV["MOCHA_USE_CUDA"] = "true"
> Pkg.test("Mocha") 

Part of the output is in the attached txt file. output.txt