pluskid / Mocha.jl

Deep Learning framework for Julia
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Training LeNet on MNIST #188

Open hpoit opened 8 years ago

hpoit commented 8 years ago

Hi! Need assistance...

include("/.../convert.jl") ERROR: LoadError: AssertionError: ntoh(label_header[1]) == 2049 [inlined code] from /.../convert.jl:17 in anonymous at no file:0 in include at /Applications/ in include_from_node1 at /Applications/ while loading /.../convert.jl, in expression starting on line 11

pluskid commented 8 years ago

@tenthdimension Are you running on some big endian architectures? Or maybe your downloaded data gets corrupted?

hpoit commented 8 years ago

Hi Chiyuan. No, running on a little endian, x86 processor, and downloading the four files from

hpoit commented 8 years ago

Chiyuan, where are these files supposed to be in for convert.jl to read them?

datasets = @compat(Dict("train" => ["train-labels-idx1-ubyte","train-images-idx3-ubyte"], "test" => ["t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte","t10k-images-idx3-ubyte"]))

pluskid commented 8 years ago

@hpoit You need to run which will download the MNIST data and then run convert.jl to convert them into HDF5 format.

hpoit commented 8 years ago

I tried doing that. Let me finish a course and I'll get back to this shortly.

hpoit commented 8 years ago

I'm having trouble making convert.jl locate t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz file (which is in my Downloads folder):

julia> include("/Users/Corvus/Google Drive/convert.jl") ERROR: LoadError: SystemError: opening file t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte: No such file or directory in open at /Applications/ in open at iostream.jl:99 [inlined code] from /Users/Corvus/Google Drive/convert.jl:13 in anonymous at no file:0 in include at /Applications/ in include_from_node1 at /Applications/ while loading /Users/Corvus/Google Drive/convert.jl, in expression starting on line 11

hpoit commented 8 years ago

I think it worked-- I just changed the directory on convert.jl to my Downloads folder

include("/Users/Corvus/Google Drive/convert.jl") Exporting 10000 digits of size 28 x 28 1:10000... Exporting 60000 digits of size 28 x 28 1:60000...

hpoit commented 8 years ago

Now I got this

julia> include("/Users/Corvus/Google Drive/mnist.jl") WARNING: Method definition info(Any...) in module Base at util.jl:334 overwritten in module Logging at /Users/Corvus/.julia/v0.4/Logging/src/Logging.jl:61. WARNING: Method definition warn(Any...) in module Base at util.jl:364 overwritten in module Logging at /Users/Corvus/.julia/v0.4/Logging/src/Logging.jl:61. Configuring Mocha...

  • CUDA disabled by default
  • Native Ext disabled by default Mocha configured, continue loading module... DefaultBackend = Mocha.CPUBackend 19-Apr 18:11:24:INFO:root:Constructing net MNIST-train on Mocha.CPUBackend... 19-Apr 18:11:24:INFO:root:Topological sorting 8 layers... 19-Apr 18:11:24:INFO:root:Setup layers... HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.15-patch1) thread 0:

    000: H5F.c line 439 in H5Fis_hdf5(): unable open file

    major: File accessibilty minor: Not an HDF5 file

    001: H5Fint.c line 554 in H5F_is_hdf5(): unable to open file

    major: Low-level I/O minor: Unable to initialize object

    002: H5FD.c line 993 in H5FD_open(): open failed

    major: Virtual File Layer minor: Unable to initialize object

    003: H5FDsec2.c line 343 in H5FD_sec2_open(): unable to open file: name = 'data/train.hdf5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0

    major: File accessibilty minor: Unable to open file ERROR: LoadError: Cannot access file data/train.hdf5 in h5open at /Users/Corvus/.julia/v0.4/HDF5/src/plain.jl:547 in h5open at /Users/Corvus/.julia/v0.4/HDF5/src/plain.jl:557 in setup at /Users/Corvus/.julia/v0.4/Mocha/src/layers/async-hdf5-data.jl:50 in setup at /Users/Corvus/.julia/v0.4/Mocha/src/layers.jl:112 in call at /Users/Corvus/.julia/v0.4/Mocha/src/net.jl:227 in include at /Applications/ in include_from_node1 at /Applications/ while loading /Users/Corvus/Google Drive/mnist.jl, in expression starting on line 18

line 18 being net = Net("MNIST-train", backend, [data_layer, common_layers..., loss_layer])

hpoit commented 8 years ago

Is "MNIST-train" supposed to be .../train.hdf5? I tried changing it for this file directory but it didn't work, so I guess not.

hpoit commented 8 years ago


Then we will define a data layer, which reads the HDF5 file and provides input for the network: data_layer = HDF5DataLayer(name="train-data", source="data/train.txt", batch_size=64, shuffle=true)

Why read from train.txt instead of train.hdf5? @staticfloat @uschmidt83

@pluskid I know you have a handful so attempting to distribute it a little.

JobJob commented 8 years ago

Hi, in the docs it says "Note the source is a simple text file that contains a list of real data files (in this case data/train.hdf5)"

From my brief reading of the above, you haven't used so you may have the hdf5 in directories where Mocha isn't expecting them. I think if you change the path(s) in that txt file to point to your hdf5 file(s), I expect it should work.

hpoit commented 8 years ago

I ran and generated train.hdf5 and test.hdf5 with convert.jl. It was all a directory issue.

Network constructed!

Objective completed. Thanks.