plusonelabs / calendar-widget

An calender widget for your Android home screen.
Apache License 2.0
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Don't show "-> end date" for 1-whole-day events #236

Closed BengaloBongali closed 5 years ago

BengaloBongali commented 8 years ago

For all events that last one whole day, the widget shows an arrow beneath and the end date which is of course the same as the start date. This is redundant, because the user knows it's a one-day event if there's neither time nor end date. The end date is not shown if I activate fill up events that last more than one day. I think it sould always be that way for events that last one day.

yvolk commented 7 years ago

I cannot reproduce this problem. Your help is needed to provide us with your case, which shows this bug. Please send me ( or simply paste to this conversation) a report, generated via Calendar Widget Settings -> Feedback -> Share event for debugging

yvolk commented 5 years ago

We have more details now, thanks to @neilromig:

  1. This (erroneous) behavior is only when "Fill all day events" is turned off.
  2. We don't need to show the date no matter if Day headers are on or off.

Correct ?!

neilromig commented 5 years ago

Yes, since no date is shown for timed events then no date need be shown for all day events.

yvolk commented 5 years ago

Should be fixed in v.3.0.1, see Beta at ?!