plusonelabs / calendar-widget

An calender widget for your Android home screen.
Apache License 2.0
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Rounded corners for the widget #352

Closed yvolk closed 4 years ago

yvolk commented 4 years ago

As Reboot Myth suggested "With the new phones having rounded screens, can the widget also support rounded rectangles?"

I found this discussion and it looks like we can achieve this using the CardView at the top of the Widget's views hierarchy:

The question remains how to make this rounding optional without additional widget redraws...

And here the author suggests to set outline for the parent view and then .setClipToOutline(true) on it...

val image = findViewById<ImageView>(
val curveRadius = 20F


    image.outlineProvider = object : ViewOutlineProvider() {

        override fun getOutline(view: View?, outline: Outline?) {
            outline?.setRoundRect(0, 0, view!!.width, (view.height+curveRadius).toInt(), curveRadius)

    image.clipToOutline = true

yvolk commented 4 years ago

Moved to the current issues list: