pmandes / zx-spectrum-issue6a-replica

ZX Spectrum 48k Issue 6A board replica
MIT License
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Use in real ZX Spectrum 48K #1

Open IgnacioMonge opened 9 months ago

IgnacioMonge commented 9 months ago

Hi Pawel,

I love this PCB for EPROM. I'm planning to build it for my ZX48K, but I'm not sure it can be used without any modification to the actual ZX. I know that using EPROM requires some modifications.,

Thank you in advance!

Best, Ignacio

pmandes commented 9 months ago


If you want to use the adapter, you don't need to modify anything on the ZX Spectrum board. That is what it was created for :)


pmandes commented 9 months ago

Use version 1.1 from the KiCad project, not version 1.0. (In version 1.1, components are soldered on the underside to lower the structure). As a precaution, I will upload new gerbers tomorrow. The project itself is up to date.

userm8722 commented 9 months ago

HI, have the v1.1 gerbers been uploaded? Please advise I can't find them

userm8722 commented 9 months ago


IgnacioMonge commented 9 months ago

Use version 1.1 from the KiCad project, not version 1.0. (In version 1.1, components are soldered on the underside to lower the structure). As a precaution, I will upload new gerbers tomorrow. The project itself is up to date.

Thank you, I have exported the gebers version 1.1 from the kicad project and order some pcbs. Awesome project!

userm8722 commented 9 months ago

hi where is the kicad project to export gerbers v1.1 please regards

IgnacioMonge commented 9 months ago

The kicad project in the main github page are from 9 months ago. You should use these files.

userm8722 commented 9 months ago

Hi Thanks for reply. I don't know what i'm missing? The version is 1.0 not 1.1? Regards

IgnacioMonge commented 9 months ago

Ok, let's do it easier.

userm8722 commented 9 months ago

Wow that's great. Thank you so much Regards

pmandes commented 9 months ago

Hello guys,

I've been busy with other things, but finally updated the project. The gerber v1.1 files are already there. I'm glad you managed it :)

For future reference:

exact instructions on how to generate yourself a gertber with the correct settings.

Best Pawel