pmattes / x3270

Family of IBM 3270 emulators
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wc3270 cursorBlink - Unknown resource name #16

Open zMartini opened 3 years ago

zMartini commented 3 years ago

Hi Paul,

I'm using x3270 and wc3270 for years now to work on the mainframe, emulating a 3270 model 4, oversize 62 x 160 characters, which works great and am really happy with it - thank you!

On Windows 8.1 & 10, I'm currently running version wc3270-4.0ga14.

There is a small thing, which would make working with wc3270 a little bit smoother: Switching off the blinking cursor. Easy with x3270, but I was not able to do this with wc3270. I tried the following:

  1. While x3270 contains a toggle for "Blinking Cursor" in its menu, wc3270 does not - see attached screen shots:

x3270 Menu cursorBlink wc3270 Menu No cursorBlink

  1. Wiki entry CursorBlink_resource specifies, resource cursorBlink is also valid for wc3270. When I tried to add wc3270.cursorBlink: false to the config, I got message Unknown resource name: cursorBlink.

  2. I also tried command line option -set "cursorBlink=false", but received

    Unknown toggle name 'cursorBlink=false'. Toggle names are: aidWait altCursor blankFill crosshair lineWrap marginedPaste monoCase overlayPaste screenTrace showTiming trace underscore visibleControl

I had a quick look into the source code, found the blinking cursor code and the relation to CURSOR_BLINK, but I was not able to find, where the x3270 build differs from the wc3270 one.

Is there any trick to switch off cursor blinking in the windows version?

If not, do you have any change to fix or add this?

Thanx again,


pmattes commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry to say that the Wiki page for cursorBlink is wrong. It only applies to x3270 and b3270 (and indirectly to wx3270). I have corrected the page. :-(

Newer Windows consoles support the VT100 escape sequences to turn cursor blink on and off, so it is possible to add this to wc3270 at some point, but I fear it is not going to be any time soon. I will add it to my to-do list.

In the meantime, have you tried wx3270?