pmattes / x3270

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x3270 on file transfer screen: ```Delete``` key (next to ```End``` key) is evil #30

Closed swhobbit closed 2 years ago

swhobbit commented 2 years ago

While I realize the X 3270 v4 file transfer screen is due to be completely replaced, and thus it has a notarized DNR order, please fix two small things.

swhobbit commented 2 years ago

Two related trivia questions:

In the default key map, for the Delete key, I see no Delete() action, but in x3270 mode it Does the Right Thing. Why? :-)

When writing a keymap, what's the difference between a <Key> and a <Keypress>?

swhobbit commented 2 years ago

FYI: Testing was was Linux pepe-le-pew 5.10.63-v7l+ #1496 SMP Wed Dec 1 15:58:56 GMT 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

(A Raspberry Pi 4)

pmattes commented 2 years ago

In the default key map, for the Delete key, I see no Delete() action, but in x3270 mode it Does the Right Thing. Why? :-)

The catch-all Default() action Does the Right Thing for a number of common keystrokes, including Delete.

When writing a keymap, what's the difference between a <Key> and a <Keypress>?

None. <Key> is an alias for <KeyPress>. There is also a <KeyRelease> event, by the way.

pmattes commented 2 years ago

While I realize the X 3270 v4 file transfer screen is due to be completely replaced, and thus it has a notarized DNR order, please fix two small things.

  • The truly evil action is that the Delete key (next to the End key) deletes left like the Backspace key instead of the correct action of delete under. The key works properly in terminal mode
  • The usual Ctrl-V (or Cmd-V) key doesn't do anything; it should paste. The Left Mouse Button does paste. (But I only remember try the button after the keys fail!)

On it.

pmattes commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 4.2.

Note that the x3270 dialog input fields in dialogs now have similar behavior to the main window with regard to copy and paste. Highlighting with the mouse copies the selected area to the PRIMARY selection. Control-C copies the highlighted area to the CLIPBOARD selection. The middle mouse button pastes from PRIMARY. Control-V pastes from CLIPBOARD. This is consistent with other X11 applications.

swhobbit commented 2 years ago

Highlighting with the mouse copies the selected area to the PRIMARY selection. Control-C copies the highlighted area to the CLIPBOARD selection. The middle mouse button pastes from PRIMARY. Control-V pastes from CLIPBOARD. This is consistent with other X11 applications.