pmattes / x3270

Family of IBM 3270 emulators
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The x3270 bright color scheme on …/wiki/ColorScheme_resource … isn't #41

Closed swhobbit closed 2 years ago

swhobbit commented 2 years ago

The provide x3270 color scheme bright isn't: It's a clone of the default 3279 scheme. The colors needing the most help are green and blue, which are tweaked below:

x3270.colorScheme.bright: \
       black DodgerBlue red hotpink \
       limegreen turquoise yellow white \
       gray10 blue3 orange purple \
       paleGreen paleTurquoise2 grey white \
       white black dimGrey \
       4 2 1 15
pmattes commented 2 years ago

It's actually 'default' that was cloned from 'bright'.

I have removed 'bright' from the menu, though the underlying resource is still there for folks who depend on it.

swhobbit commented 2 years ago


A major point (which I did note but failed to highlight) was that the default green and blue are too dark, especially in (thin) default font. If you're going to delete the bright color scheme, consider the colors DodgerBlue and limegreen on the default scheme.

FYI: The LCM+L VM/SP machine now the PALETTE EXEC which I use to display all the colors.

pmattes commented 2 years ago

I have applied your color suggestions to the default color scheme. (I've got a cool generated screen here with various color and attribute options for testing.)

swhobbit commented 2 years ago

Our job is done here. :-)

(You already closed it.).