pmattes / x3270

Family of IBM 3270 emulators
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add support for Wait(transfer) #58

Closed svens-s390 closed 1 year ago

svens-s390 commented 1 year ago

I'm often using IND$FILE to transfer files from a script. I haven't found a good way to wait for the end of the transfer. I hacked up something which seems to work, but i never worked with the x3270 source, so it might be entirely wrong. If that's the case, just let me know and discard the pull request :-)

pmattes commented 1 year ago

From a quick check, this appears to be a reasonable implementation of the feature. However, it's going to take me a little time to completely verify it, and I will be away from computers for the next two weeks and might not be able to do it until I return.

pmattes commented 1 year ago

What is the specific scenario that requires this functionality?

I just fixed a bug in the Source() action, where it was not properly blocking and waiting for a Transfer() action to complete. This accidental non-blocking behavior does not, as far as I know, happen in other contexts, such as s3270 input or HTTP server input.

svens-s390 commented 1 year ago

Yes, looks like my real issue was the non-blocking Transfer() action. I think this PR can be closed and we don't need it. Thanks!

pmattes commented 1 year ago

It was seriously embarrassing that Transfer() didn't block properly.

I've got unit tests now to catch if I ever break that.