pmattes / x3270

Family of IBM 3270 emulators
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Help: Receiving "Host disconned" when running jobs from GitHub ubuntu-latest runners #63

Closed robinmatz closed 1 year ago

robinmatz commented 1 year ago

Hi Paul,

we host a project on GitHub where we run a pipeline against the host. The jobs in the pipeline sometimes fail with the message Host disconnected. This error seems to occur randomly.

I will attach the trace of a failing job. Could you help me get some clues as to why this error occurs? I am suspecting some type of network issues... Atest.Mainframe-x3270-trace.txt

Harm10 commented 1 year ago

Just my 2 cents: couldn't this be a defense from pub400 itself? It gets all kind of weird calls from utest and/or atest from the same IP address. I experienced this too and after a while the tests run fine again.

pmattes commented 1 year ago

There isn't much to go on in the trace. x3270 answers the host's Query Reply at 182519.809, and at 182519.986 (177 ms later) the host disconnects without having sent anything else.

From what you said, the exact same script succeeds most of the time? Perhaps pub400 is getting overloaded and this how it sheds work it can't do.

robinmatz commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the answers. I read on the website that there is a restriction on how many connections can be made from a single IP address.

I am suspecting that even though there is an IP range for the GitHub runners, there is a chance that some VMs can have the same IP address.

I am closing this issue now.