pmattes / x3270

Family of IBM 3270 emulators
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Cannot get past "X Wait" on Kubuntu 22 #84

Closed avondale17 closed 4 days ago

avondale17 commented 4 days ago

I had a previous laptop with Ubuntu 18-something and successfully compiled and ran x3270 in order to connect to our university's mainframe (sigh).

My old laptop died. I have a new laptop with Kubuntu 22.04.4. (The university's VPN will not work with the more recent Kubuntu 24.) I have compiled x3270 .(version v4.3ga8) I can get connected to the university mainframe's initial screen, which is not a login. It's a choice to go into the "production" or "development" version of the program. I should choose "production", and I can do that. It sends me to the login screen, correctly.

From there, I get an "X Wait" message at the bottom of the x3270 terminal. I cannot type anything or seem to get past this screen.

University IT has compiled the Windows version of x3270. They had the problem unless they used "Model Number 2". When I put in this setting, it didn't change anything.

IT has basically said they have no idea what the problem is. They are not really interested in helping, since linux users are not a big population on campus.

Does anyone have any ideas?

avondale17 commented 4 days ago

Paul Mattes responded by email with:

_Here is a workaround:

x3270 -set contentionResolution=false

Your session is getting stuck because of a feature called contention resolution, where the host explicitly tells x3270 when it is safe to send more data. The host negotiates contention resolution with x3270, and for that first screen, it sets the flag that tells x3270 it is okay to send more data. But on that second screen, it does not, and x3270 gets stuck waiting for that permission to arrive.

Contention resolution is relatively new in x3270, and it's possible that I have missed some subtlety in its implementation._

This fixed the problem for me.