pmelchior / scarlet

hyperspectral galaxy modeling and deblending
MIT License
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Doc bugs #254

Closed esheldon closed 2 months ago

esheldon commented 2 years ago

This says See ~init_sources but should say init_source:

This says "Fraction of the background to use as a threshold" but should say it is the background RMS, as in ExtendedSource, e.g. say "Multiple of the backround RMS used as a flux cutoff for morphology initialization.":

In the docs here it says

"We can see that this method chooses multiple (here 2) extended components for the first three sources, a single extended component for sources 3 and 5, and compact ones for the rest."

But the outputs don't show any compact sources, only MultiExtendedSource and SingleExtendedSource

esheldon commented 2 years ago

Also here, I think this needs clarification for newbies like me.

It says "Mininmum SNR per component to accept the source." From talking to fred it is used to determine how many components are accepted, not if the source (object) is accepted. For fallback=True it will not reject the entire source (object), it will reject components that are not at least min_snr, dropping down to components of zero, which implies that it gets initialized as a point source (but perhaps still modeled as an extended source)