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docker: enable auto doc updates already to #239

Closed lukaszstolarczuk closed 2 years ago

lukaszstolarczuk commented 2 years ago

This change is Reviewable

karczex commented 2 years ago

utils/docker/ line 35 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, karczex (Paweł Karczewski) wrote…
It may be simplified to ``` if [[ ${CI_BRANCH} == stable-* ]]; then DOCS_TARGET_DIR=v$(echo ${CI_BRANCH} | cut -d"-" -f2 -s) else DOCS_TARGET_DIR=${CI_BRANCH} fi ``` or even to ``` DOCS_TARGET_DIR=$(echo ${CI_BRANCH} | awk -F '-' '{print $(NF)}' ``` If you may skip `v` at the beginning


awk -F 'stable-' '/stable/{printf "v"} {print $(NF)}'

we may preserve v