pmgbergen / porepy

Python Simulation Tool for Fractured and Deformable Porous Media
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Unify fracture network generation in 2D and 3D #780

Closed jhabriel closed 1 year ago

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

The main idea is to generate a FractureNetwork2D by passing a list of 1D fracture objects.

In this way, we will be unifying the construction of the classes between FractureNetwork2D and FractureNetwork3D.

Furthermore, we introduce a sub-module that contains a method for creating and returning the appropriate FractureNetwork class, given a domain and list of fractures. The correct class (2D or 3D) is defined implicitly by the arguments.

At last, we need to update the meshing tutorial. This will be postponed, until the unification of the mesh generation and the domain definition are done.

pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago


I pushed a first attempt at the unification. My approach so far is to use two functions linefractures_to_pts_edges and pts_edges_to_linefractures that I created in fracs.utils, which convert between LineFractures and tuples of points and edges. These functions are then added to FractureNetwork2d at the necessary places, while the internal functioning is left alone.

However, one loses the functionality to pass tags along the edges when creating the network. One possibility would be to add the option to pass the tags without the edges, but I don't know if this is a sensible approach and would like to hear some expertise from you on this.

Also, I am not quite sure, whether there are some other places in the source code that needs to be adjusted, so far I only found a call to FractureNetwork2d in grids.standard_grids.utils.make_mdg_2d_simplex.

edit: And one more thing: I added the tests for the conversion functions in a seperate file, as the test file for fracs.utils uses unittest instead of pytest. To avoid occlusion of the tests, these should be combined, but I couldn't find any info on whether one can just combine both types of test and haven't tried it out yet.

keileg commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update, @pschultzendorff. Some thoughts:

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Thanks @pschultzendorff. I think this is headed in the right direction.

keileg commented 1 year ago

@jhabriel Tags are part of the API (to the degree that exists), so it should not be removed lightheartedly. I for one have used it extensively in some projects.

pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago

Hei, thanks for the comments @keileg and @jhabriel.

I think we should just discuss this shortly in this week's usermeeting and go forward from there.

keileg commented 1 year ago

If you start changing the internal data formats for tags, or anything else related to geometry processing, all kind of trouble will break loose. But if you do a translation of the tags, the same way you translate the fractures, that should be fine.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Short update:

We agreed on adding a tag: int attribute to the abstract Fracture class. To preserve backward compatibility, the FractureNetwork2d will retrieve said tag from each LineFracture and use it to "translate" back into the current way of generating the network.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Hi. I pushed a new module containing the wrapper method create_fracture_network() that unifies the generation of fracture networks in 2d and 3d:

Let me know what you think.

pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago


I started work on implementing tags into the Fracture class and came around the following problem:

As of now, tags are passed to the FractureNetwork2d class by the edges array. This automatically ensures that each fracture/edge has the same number of tags. However, when each Fracture stores their own tags, the number of tags may vary between fractures, which would create a ragged array when they are internally converted into edges again.

Now my question is, if there is some reserved None tag that can be assigned to edges that have less tags than the edge with the highest number of tags? The easiest way would probably be to assign 0 or -1 to mean "not tagged", but as the documentation mentions that tags can for example be imported from gmsh, I am unsure whether any of these numbers is used in gmsh.

Also, am I correct in the assumption that (theoretically) an edge can have an arbitrarily high number of tags?

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the update. I understand the problem and I think your suggestion is fair (as long as it is properly documented). I'm sure @keileg has more experience with tags, but it in principle it should be safe to use -1 for untagged fractures.

By reading the documentation of FractureNetwork2d it is indeed possible to assign an arbitrary amount of tags to each fracture. Here's a suggestion that might solve the problem:

  1. Define tag as a numpy array with dtype=np.int8.
  2. Transverse the list_of_fractures to determine the LineFracture with the highest amount of tags max_num_tag.
  3. Pad the bottom rows of edges array of -1 with shape=(max_num_tags, len(list_of_fractures)).
  4. Replace the -1 entries where there exists non-empty tags.
pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago


thanks for the input! That sounds like a nice way to solve the problem. I will implement it, once @keileg gives the okay to use -1 for untagged fractures.

keileg commented 1 year ago

I think that if you assign -1 as a default tag and document it, this will be both acceptable and an improvement.

IvarStefansson commented 1 year ago

I merged this one into my well branch. There may be commits for you to cherrypick (for now related to test fixes). Let's coordinate!

pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago

The tags work now. I also changed tags that were previously initialized with np.empty in FractureNetwork2d.add_network, to be initialized with -1 for consistency.

There remain 8 test files with errors and two errors during test discovery in the functional tests. Most importantly the index tests for the PlaneFracture class fail and I am not quite sure why. I haven't looked at the other tests, but I assume they are mostly just calls of the FractureNetwork2d class with edges and points instead of fractures.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Thanks @pschultzendorff. We're making good progress. I will make a list of the next steps.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago
OmarDuran commented 1 year ago

I merged develop branch and resolved the conflicts. Also, I have included two commits from "wells_in_models" as requested by @IvarStefansson.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Hi all. I fixed the failing tests and now all tests pass with the current version of develop.

I fixed a few bugs, which is an indication that we need to write/improve the tests. Let's discuss specific actions tomorrow.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

@keileg : Design choice question. We are unifying the creation of fracture networks by introducing the function pp.create_fracture_network(). Now, do we want to still allow for the construction of fracture networks 2d via pp.FractureNetwork2d (and pp.FractureNetwork3d)? Or do we make these classes "private" sort to speak?

Lingering a bit on the reason of the question, what we want to avoid is a scenario where we introduce even more diversification (i.e., providing 3 ways of constructing fracture networks) instead of unification. One possibility that we considered is to remove the classes FractureNetwork2d and FractureNetwork3d from the porepy init. But we are not sure if this would be enough.

keileg commented 1 year ago

Good question. My instinct is to lead the user towards the new function, and I think that removing the classes from the top-level init could be a good idea; but that depends on possible changes to the general approach to inits - I can explain a bit more in a more suitable channel.

Two questions:

  1. Does the function returns a FractureNetwork,?
  2. If yes on 1., will Cartesian meshing also be based on a FractureNetwork?
jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Answering the questions:

  1. The function will return FractureNetwork2d or FractureNetwork3d, depending on the dimension of the fractures (or alternatively, the domain when there are no fractures).
  2. Indeed, that's the plan (via #795). Basically, create_mdg() will take a fracture_network, a grid_type and a mesh_size, and it will generate the mdg. Cartesian grids are included in grid_type, of course. Could you confirm that this is the case @OmarDuran?
keileg commented 1 year ago

Sounds good. If possible, I think you should then make it unnatural (whatever that means) to generate a network directly through the class inits - the init classes can be considered private to that degree that this makes sense. However, the FractureNetwork classes should still be easily accessible in documentation, since users will interact wiht this.

I don't know how to best combine these goals, but I think we will go with whatever solution you find acceptable.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Yes, I agree. I will go for removing FractureNetwork2d and FractureNetwork3d from the top init. This will force anyone that wants to use these classes in a runscript to import them directly (which IMO is tedious enough to avoid such practice). Thanks for the feedback :)

OmarDuran commented 1 year ago

Answering the questions:

  1. The function will return FractureNetwork2d or FractureNetwork3d, depending on the dimension of the fractures (or alternatively, the domain when there are no fractures).
  2. Indeed, that's the plan (via Unify mixed-dimensional grid generation #795). Basically, create_mdg() will take a fracture_network, a grid_type and a mesh_size, and it will generate the mdg. Cartesian grids are included in grid_type, of course. Could you confirm that this is the case @OmarDuran?
  1. Yes, I confirm that is the plan.
jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Second part

For this second part of the project, we will be working on the branch unify_fracture_network_part_2.

The roadmap is the following one:

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Documentation roadmap

Files and assignees for documentation update of the fracs subpckage:

Reminder: Changes should be incorporated in the unify_fracture_network_mirror branch.

pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago


I uploaded my part documentation. The non_conforming module is not finished, however, as I struggled quite a lot with the missing documentation. Haven't managed to get all the types right so far and there are also more underlying problems, as, e.g., update_nodes has an argument in the signature that is not used and update_face_tags never accesses the values of the inner list of its argument new_faces (this is kind of weird).

To finish documentation of this file, I will need some input. Won't be able to continue work before Friday though.

Best, Peter

vlipovac commented 1 year ago


I have merged the docs-rework I was responsible for. Some things remain open:

  1. The function split_grids.split_specific_faces is unused, and most likely unfinished. The docs are accordingly more or less guessing work
  2. I am unsure about the helper function split_grids._sort_sub_list. This is some indexing voodoo related to sparse matrix and I am unsure if I captured the docs well. Can someone take a look?
  3. Mypy was complaining on several occasions with regards to other files. pp.matrix_operators.slice_indices f.e. needs an overload documentation. Also, the return type Union[FractureNetwork2D, FractureNetwork3D] causes mypy errors, because these two classes have apparently different members and it cannot figure out in the logic which one is addressed.

Also, before the PR we should compile the whole documentation of the subpackage fracs and have a final look at it and polish the results.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Hi @pschultzendorff and @vlipovac, thanks a lot for the effort.


I have a quick look at the non_conforming module and is indeed heavily undocumented. Let me know when you're done with the module and will have a go.


  1. The function split_grid.split_specific_faces is used in _split_fracture_extension() from the propagate_fracture module. I've added a warning that the function should be used with care.
  2. I had a look but I couldn't figure out what is going on there. The code is too obscure and the names of the variables don't help much either. I think we're good with the Todo you wrote. I've complemented it a bit to alert the reader of the low level of certainty we have regarding the docstrings.
  3. Indeed, the union causes mypy some headaches. The workaround when the fracture network object demands to be dimension-specific is to assert whether this is a FractureNetwork2d or a FractureNetwork3d. This is the price we sometimes have to pay after unifying the fracture network generation.

P.D.: The branch is now up to date with develop. Moreover, I fixed all the static typing errors.


pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago

Everything should now be documented. As discussed, is left with deprecation warnings. @vlipovac: I did not add any overload signatures, as mypy would always complain and I couldn't figure out the problem.

pschultzendorff commented 1 year ago

Pushed the file now. I get a lot of pytest errors on the branch, but this could also be a local problem with my python env.

vlipovac commented 1 year ago

I took a look at the docs in the subpackage and reworked quite a bit. The guidelines for documentation and the linking should now be enforced to a satisfying level.

There are a lot of open Todo notes though, possibly critical for the functionality of porepy. Respective parts have Todo: directives in their docstrings.

I pushed the changes to the mirror branch @jhabriel

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot @vlipovac. I will update the branch and open the PR.

jhabriel commented 1 year ago

Closed after merging of #816