pmiguelpinto90 / ShiftDisplay

Arduino library for driving 7-segment displays using shift registers
GNU General Public License v3.0
31 stars 15 forks source link

Support for roboDyn 7seg display (Mod-LED-Display-8D-74HC595) #1

Open OPI-0 opened 6 years ago

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago


Great library!,

Small issue here, I have bought the display below: []

Now it seems that x and y have been switched? is this easy to modify?

pmiguelpinto90 commented 6 years ago

Hi, thank you! What do you mean by x and y? What's the expected behavior and the current behavior?

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago


When i write the 0 character to the display, it shows on 6 of the eight characters in the middle of the digit... I am currently trying to get the schematics of the display module.

pmiguelpinto90 commented 6 years ago

If you only create a ShiftDisplay object, without calling any function, are all leds turned off? And if you call display.setDot(7, true), what leds are turned on?

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago

ShiftDisplay without a call to any function shows all leds off. The display.setDot(7, true) also does not show anything..

However if i call display.setDot(0, true); , segment A of the 3th digit light up (digits 0-7)

#include <ShiftDisplay.h>

ShiftDisplay display(COMMON_CATHODE, 7);  // 8 digits

void setup() {
  display.setDot(0, true);

void loop() {;

If i change to COMMON_ANODE, all segments and dots from all digits light up.... Thank you for your support!!

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago

Did some more testing, and the code below works, it shows 0-9 and the dot on each of the 8 positions starting on the left side of the display. Found the code here had to make some modifications to get it working hope this helps. (and can be included in the library)


const int clockpin = 7; //SCK
const int latchpin = 6; //RCK 
const int datapin = 5;  //DIO
const int num_of_digits = 8;

/* Segment bit location(7=MSB, 0=LSB):
 *    |--0--|
 *   5|     |1
 *    |--6--|
 *   4|     |2
 *    |--3--| **7

// Array with possible values(0 = segment ON, 1 = segment off)
byte value[] ={ B11000000, // 0
                B11111001, // 1
                B10100100, // 2
                B10110000, // 3
                B10011001, // 4
                B10010010, // 5
                B10000010, // 6
                B11111000, // 7
                B10000000, // 8
                B10010000, // 9
                B11111111};// display nothing

byte digit[] ={ B00010000, // left segment
                B00001000,};// right segment

void showDigit(int segmentnum, int number, bool showdecimalpoint)
  byte value_temp = value[number];
  value_temp = showdecimalpoint ? (value_temp & B01111111) : value_temp;

int counter = 0;
void demoDelay()
  // *** Delay for demo purposes only ***
  if(counter <= num_of_digits)
    if(counter >= (num_of_digits*200))
      counter = 0;
  // ************************************

void setup() {
  pinMode(clockpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(latchpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(datapin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {;
  for(int i = 0; i < num_of_digits; i++)
    showDigit(i, i, true);
pmiguelpinto90 commented 6 years ago

In the library file src/CharacterEncoding.h, change INDEXES array (line 60) to:


and in src/ShiftDisplay.cpp, switch lines 85 and 88:

shiftOut(_dataPin, _clockPin, LSBFIRST, _buffer[i]);
shiftOut(_dataPin, _clockPin, LSBFIRST, out);

With ShiftDisplay display(COMMON_ANODE, 8); works ok?

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago

WOW!! Seems it s fixed!! All demo's run, will do some more testing later on and keep you posted!

Really many many thanks for your help here!

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago

Sorry closed by accident

pmiguelpinto90 commented 6 years ago

You're welcome! I will update with these options when I have time.

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago

Thanks again for your great support!, You really created a very nice and complete library!! glad it works on the display now!!

OPI-0 commented 6 years ago


bloodcolin commented 6 years ago

Hi MiguelPynto,

Your comment: "In the library file src/CharacterEncoding.h, change INDEXES array (line 60) to:

B00001000, B00000100, B00000010, B00000001, B10000000, B01000000, B00100000, B00010000 and in src/ShiftDisplay.cpp, switch lines 85 and 88:

shiftOut(_dataPin, _clockPin, LSBFIRST, _buffer[i]); shiftOut(_dataPin, _clockPin, LSBFIRST, out); With ShiftDisplay display(COMMON_ANODE, 8); works ok?"

No longer works with the display that OPI-0 and now I have. I can only find the first correction in your code for the index array changes.

The two shiftOut corrections (lines 85 and 88) no longer exist in your ShiftDisplay.cpp code. Am I missing something? When I make the index array changes you recommend and attempt the weather example all I get is sequentially flashing on the display.

paullbart commented 5 years ago

anyone still having this issue, make sure you set swapShiftRegistors to true when you declare the object. This will force the display into multiplex mode. No need to change any of the code.


ShiftDisplay readOut(12,11,10,COMMON_CATHODE,4,true); // latch, clock, Data

tswfi commented 5 years ago

I still had problems with the RobotDyn 6 digit display (would not show values consistently right).

Made a PR which adds SPI support (which has better timings than bitbanging) and has an example for driving a 6 digit RobotDyn 595 multiplexed display #9