pmininni / GHOST

GHOST (the Geophysical High-Order Suite for Turbulence) is an accurate and highly scalable pseudospectral code that solves a variety of PDEs often encountered in studies of turbulent flows.
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Hybrid -- Comunication with VDB interface #8

Open JavierSierraAusin opened 10 months ago

JavierSierraAusin commented 10 months ago

Dear developers,

I found a bug when using the VDB interface with hybrid (distributed+shared memory) parallelisation. It is due to how the threads update the particle's id. My solution was to define a new variable this%idj which maps the local id of each thread to the global id. Doing that I found the same with MPI and Hybrid. What I did is simply as follows.

   SUBROUTINE GPart_GlobatoLocalIndex(this, gvdb, ngvdb)
      !  METHOD     : GPart_GlobatoLocalIndex
      !  DESCRIPTION: Determines a global to local index,
      !               Call before synchronisation and Copywork
      !  ARGUMENTS  :
      !    this    : 'this' class instance (IN)
      !    gvdb    : global VDB containing part. position records. Location
      !              gives particle id.
      !    ngvdb   : no. records in global VDB
      USE fprecision
      USE commtypes

      CLASS(GPart), INTENT(INOUT)                           :: this
      INTEGER                                               :: nl
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                   :: ngvdb
      INTEGER                                               :: i, j
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(3, ngvdb)        :: gvdb

      nl = 0
      this%idj_ = GPNULL
      !$omp parallel do
      DO j = 1, ngvdb
         IF (gvdb(3, j) .GE. this%lxbnds_(3, 1) .AND. gvdb(3, j) .LT. this%lxbnds_(3, 2)) THEN
            !$omp critical
            nl = nl + 1
            this%idj_(j) = nl
            !$omp end critical
         END IF
      END DO

   END SUBROUTINE GPart_GlobatoLocalIndex
   SUBROUTINE GPart_GetLocalWrk_aux(this, id, lx, ly, lz, tx, ty, tz, nl, gvdb, gtmp, ngvdb)
!  METHOD     : GPart_GetLocalWrk_aux
!  DESCRIPTION: Removes from PDB NULL particles, concatenates list,
!               and sets new number of particles. This auxiliary
!               subroutines also updates arrays used during the
!               intermediate steps of the RK solver, and is needed
!               if local work is recomputed in the midde of a RK
!               iteration.
!    this    : 'this' class instance (IN)
!    id      : part ids
!    lx,ly,lz: local part. d.b. vectors
!    tx,ty,tz: local initial part. d.b. vectors
!    nl      : no. parts. in local pdb
!    gvdb    : global VDB containing part. position records. Location
!              gives particle id.
!    gtmp    : global VDB containing part. position records at the
!              beginning of the RK loop. Location gives particle id.
!    ngvdb   : no. records in global VDB
      USE fprecision
      USE commtypes

      CLASS(GPart), INTENT(INOUT)                           :: this
      INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT)                           :: nl
      INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(this%maxparts_) :: id
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                           :: ngvdb
      INTEGER                                               :: i, j
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(this%maxparts_) :: lx, ly, lz
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(this%maxparts_) :: tx, ty, tz
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(3, ngvdb)        :: gvdb
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(3, ngvdb)        :: gtmp

      nl = 0
      id = GPNULL
!$omp parallel do
      DO j = 1, ngvdb
         IF (gvdb(3, j) .GE. this%lxbnds_(3, 1) .AND. gvdb(3, j) .LT. this%lxbnds_(3, 2)) THEN
!$omp critical
            nl = nl + 1
            id(this%idj_(j)) = j - 1
            lx(this%idj_(j)) = gvdb(1, j)
            ly(this%idj_(j)) = gvdb(2, j)
            lz(this%idj_(j)) = gvdb(3, j)
            tx(this%idj_(j)) = gtmp(1, j)
            ty(this%idj_(j)) = gtmp(2, j)
            tz(this%idj_(j)) = gtmp(3, j)
!$omp end critical
         END IF
      END DO

   END SUBROUTINE GPart_GetLocalWrk_aux
   SUBROUTINE GPart_CopyLocalWrk(this, lx, ly, lz, gvdb, vgvdb, ngvdb)
!  METHOD     : GPart_CopyLocalWrk
!  DESCRIPTION: Updates records of the VDB.
!    this    : 'this' class instance (IN)
!    lx,ly,lz: local part. d.b. vectors
!    gvdb    : global VDB containing part. position records. Location
!              gives particle id.
!    vgvdb   : global VDB containing part. property records
!              (can be velocity or anything associated to the particle).
!    ngvdb   : no. records in global VDB
      USE fprecision
      USE commtypes

      CLASS(GPart), INTENT(INOUT)                               :: this
      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                       :: ngvdb
      INTEGER                                                   :: i, j, nll
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(this%maxparts_)   :: lx, ly, lz
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(3, ngvdb)            :: gvdb
      REAL(KIND=GP), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(3, ngvdb)            :: vgvdb

      nll = 0
!$omp parallel do
      DO j = 1, ngvdb
         IF (gvdb(3, j) .GE. this%lxbnds_(3, 1) .AND. gvdb(3, j) .LT. this%lxbnds_(3, 2)) THEN
!$omp critical
            nll = nll + 1
            lx(this%idj_(j)) = vgvdb(1, j)
            ly(this%idj_(j)) = vgvdb(2, j)
            lz(this%idj_(j)) = vgvdb(3, j)
!$omp end critical
         END IF
      END DO

   END SUBROUTINE GPart_CopyLocalWrk

and of course allocation of the variable

ALLOCATE (this%idj_(this%maxparts_))

and de-allocation

IF (ALLOCATED(this%idj_)) DEALLOCATE (this%idj_)
