pmndrs / gltfjsx

🎮 Turns GLTFs into JSX components
MIT License
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CLI throws "file does not exist" error (linux) #207

Open DevTobias opened 1 year ago

DevTobias commented 1 year ago

Hi! Running the cli tool inside linux throws the following error:

devtobias@devtobias:~/models$ ls
> demolevel.glb
devtobias@devtobias:~/models$ npx gltfjsx demolevel.glb
> demolevel.glb does not exist.

The same command with the same model however works on my windows machine. Anyone knows why this is happening? :)

1kaiser commented 1 year ago

nodejs update required

node -v 
npm install -g n  
n latest
node -v

for google colab

!npm install -g n 
!n latest