pmndrs / gltfjsx

🎮 Turns GLTFs into JSX components
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Position, Rotation and Scale values seem to be dependent on each other! #227

Open MahsaPaziraei opened 9 months ago

MahsaPaziraei commented 9 months ago

I am using "gltfjsx" in React. I have all Position, Rotation and Scale on each mesh. I want to rotate one of the meshes around the x axis, but when I try to change one of the rotation values, that part of the model becomes totally detached and the rotation does not work. when I change the Scale the same thing happens as well.

This is the sample of the mesh I was talking about: <mesh geometry={nodes.object_1.geometry} material={materials['fallback Material'],} position={[0.003, 5.582, -3.813]} rotation={[Math.PI, 0, Math.PI]} scale={[-0.153, 0.153, 0.637]} />