pmndrs / gltfjsx

🎮 Turns GLTFs into JSX components
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How can I add a new scene in gltfjsx? #79

Closed sourabpramanik closed 3 years ago

sourabpramanik commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2021-05-06 17-34-53 @drcmda I was watching a video by Yuri Artyukh and in place of using a simple sphere I wanted to use a gltf model of earth like you can see in my repo, but I don't know how to setup the line from Three like Yuri did to connect the coordinates in my gltfjsx can you help me. Here is the javascript also if you have any model to demonstrate it will be easy.

drcmda commented 3 years ago

gltfjsx is good when you need to make changes to the models contents, you can have that planet in two lines otherwise:

function Planet(props) {
  const { scene } = useGLTF(url)
  return <primitive object={scene} {...props} />

<Planet position={[1, 2, 3]} />

it would best best to study r3f at least a little that would make things easier. also has lots of examples there.

sourabpramanik commented 3 years ago

Actually I am new to this three.js so can you please take some time out and show that to me how it will happen.