pmndrs / react-three-editor

🔌 A one of a kind scene editor that writes changes back into your code
MIT License
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[vite] error while updating dependencies #47

Open RajaRakoto opened 1 year ago

RajaRakoto commented 1 year ago

Hello, I want to use react three editor to modify my scene, when I installed this module following your instructions in this repository, I received this error (in the image below) in my terminal, I Still want to clarify the step I did before:

Here is the error in my terminal:

16:31:28 [vite] error while updating dependencies: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, rename '[project_path]\node_modules\.vite\deps_temp_3b70f825' -> '[project_path]\node_modules\.vite\deps'

1 - yarn add @react-three/editor --dev 2 - I added this code in vite.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
import { r3f } from '@react-three/editor/vite';

export default defineConfig((env) => ({
  plugins: [env.command === 'build' ? react() : r3f()],

3 - yarn run dev (then the error in console)

Note 1: In my browser console I get this message:

Failed to load resource: server responded with a status of 504 (Optimization department out of date)

Note 2: I'm using typescript 4.9.3, vite 4.2.0 and @react-three/editor 0.0.16

shenghan97 commented 1 year ago
