Closed Ludobico closed 10 months ago
Hello, I've come across some source code that implements a GLTF model animated with ThreeJS as a PointCloud.
When I tried to change it to react format with this code and use it, I got this error.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value')
and this is the code that i used
import * as THREE from 'three'; import { uniform, skinning, PointsNodeMaterial } from 'three/examples/jsm/nodes/Nodes.js'; const GltfModel = () => { let scene, mixer; const gltf = useLoader(GLTFLoader, '/models/Michelle.glb'); mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(gltf.scene); const action = mixer.clipAction(gltf.animations[0]); scene = new THREE.Scene();; gltf.scene.traverse((mesh) => { if (mesh.isMesh) { mesh.visible = false; const materialPoints = new PointsNodeMaterial(); materialPoints.colorNode = uniform(new THREE.Color()); materialPoints.positionNode = skinning(mesh); const pointCloud = new THREE.Points(mesh.geometry, materialPoints); scene.add(pointCloud); } }); scene.add(gltf.scene); useFrame((state, delta) => { mixer.update(delta); }); return <primitive object={scene} scale={1} position={[0, 1, 0]} />; }; const Scene = () => { const aspect_ratio = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight; const cameraRef = useRef(); const cameraHandler = () => { // console.log(cameraRef.current); }; const pervPosition = new THREE.Vector3(1.03, 0.95, 1.1); return ( <> <directionalLight intensity={5} /> <OrbitControls enableRotate={true} onChange={cameraHandler} /> <PerspectiveCamera makeDefault aspect={aspect_ratio} castShadow={true} far={1000} focus={10} fov={75} near={0.1} position={pervPosition} rotation={[-0.71, 0.62, 0.46]} ref={cameraRef} /> <Light /> {/* <PointGltfModel /> */} <GltfModel /> {/* <GeometryScene /> */} </> ); }; const ThreeContainer = () => { return ( <div className="scene_container"> <Canvas style={{ width: '100vw', height: '100vh' }}> <Scene /> </Canvas> </div> ); };
How do I fix it?
I'll also share the code implemented in threejs.
Hello, I've come across some source code that implements a GLTF model animated with ThreeJS as a PointCloud.
When I tried to change it to react format with this code and use it, I got this error.
and this is the code that i used
How do I fix it?
I'll also share the code implemented in threejs.