(NOBRIDGE) ERROR Error: Could not load Car.fbx: Call to function 'ExpoAsset.downloadAsync' has been rejected.
→ Caused by: Unable to download asset from url: Car.fbx
My code looks like
import { OrbitControls, useFBX } from '@react-three/drei/native';
import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber/native';
// Load FBX Model Function
function CarModel() {
const fbx = useFBX('Car.fbx')
return <primitive object={fbx} scale={0.01} />;
export default function CanvasView() {
return (
<Canvas style={{ flex: 1 }}>
{/* Add ambient light and directional light */}
<ambientLight intensity={0.3} />
<directionalLight position={[10, 10, 10]} intensity={1.5} />
{/* <Suspense fallback={<Loader/>}> */}
{/* Load the FBX model */}
<CarModel />
{/* </Suspense> */}
{/* Orbit controls to rotate/zoom the model */}
<OrbitControls enableZoom={true} />
Component location and model location are:
The result on an emulator is:
Assets extension in metro.config.js are:
what can be the problem?
if you do not understand any of the points, please ask follow-up questions
Complete error message
My code looks like
Component location and model location are:
The result on an emulator is:
Assets extension in metro.config.js are:
what can be the problem? if you do not understand any of the points, please ask follow-up questions