Creating the CSM fails with the following error: Can not resolve #include <lights_pars_begin>
The original library broke with three 157, see issue and PR, but isn't receiving updates anymore from what it looks like. Would be nice to have a working version in here, not sure if these fixes apply in the same way (original library errors in a different way).
Relevant code:
const csm = new CSM({
maxFar: camera.far,
cascades: 4,
shadowMapSize: 1024,
lightDirection: new Vector3(0, -1, 0).normalize(),
camera: camera,
parent: scene
const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial(); // works with Phong and Standard materials
csm.setupMaterial(material); // must be called to pass all CSM-related uniforms to the shader
version: 0.170.0@types/three
version: 0.170.0three-stdlib
version: 2.34.0Problem description:
Creating the CSM fails with the following error:
Can not resolve #include <lights_pars_begin>
The original library broke with three 157, see issue and PR, but isn't receiving updates anymore from what it looks like. Would be nice to have a working version in here, not sure if these fixes apply in the same way (original library errors in a different way).Relevant code: