Open Ledzz opened 5 months ago
I've managed to hack it by loading texture outside of the image and hiding the image until texture is loaded:
export const HackedImage: FC = ({ image, ...props }) => {
const [texture, setTexture] = useState<Texture | null>(null);
const [imageRef, setImageRef] =
useState<ComponentInternals<ImageProperties> | null>(null);
const { visibility } = useDefaultProperties() ?? {};
useEffect(() => {
// TODO: dispose texture
}, [image]);
return texture ? (
visibility={!texture || visibility === "hidden" ? "hidden" : "visible"}
) : null;
with a probability of 99% this happens because the image is attached but its matrix is not updated for a very short time. In general all matricies should be 0 initiallially, to prevent rendering before beeing positioned correctly. This should be fixed with the new archiecture that mounts to the mesh using the ref callback and set the matrix to 0 there.
See repro here:
And the recording:
To reproduce, you should load you system (I've opened a bunch of tabs and enabled 6x CPU throttling). Then click on the red square on the top left.
The page flashes I guess when mounting images (if I remove Icon component, there's no flash). I guess the plane is spawn at zero coordinates and then it moves.
I can try to fix it if you know what the problem is:)