pmodels / mpich

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MPICH2 for the Mac #215

Closed mpichbot closed 7 years ago

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-10-14 15:10:34 -0500


        I have been using your release for MPICH2 for Windows successfully,
but I have recently tried to install it on a Mac running Leopard -
but without success. I could not get it to install properly. I've
tried various ways including first installing MacPorts. But MacPorts
did not install properly. Trying to install MPICH2 from the command
line was not a success either. Is there any help you can give?

Henry Freiund
mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-10-14 15:10:35 -0500

This message has 0 attachment(s)

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Anthony Chan on 2008-10-14 15:24:12 -0500

Did you download the mpich2 tarball and run configure,
make and make install as stated in mpich2 installer's
guide ?

----- "mpich2" <> wrote:

> ----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Type:
> bug
>    Status:  new                                     |    Priority:
> major
> Milestone:                                          |   Component:
> mpich2
> ----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  {{{
>  Greetings,
>          I have been using your release for MPICH2 for Windows
>  successfully,
>  but I have recently tried to install it on a Mac running Leopard -
>  but without success. I could not get it to install properly. I've
>  tried various ways including first installing MacPorts. But MacPorts
>  did not install properly. Trying to install MPICH2 from the command
>  line was not a success either. Is there any help you can give?
>  Regards,
>  Henry Freiund
>  ```
> --
> Ticket URL: <>
mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-10-14 15:47:39 -0500

It's been a couple of months since I tried to install it on the Mac.
I couldn't get MacPorts to install, even though I downloaded it from
the Leopard link, and then I tried to download the tarball and run it
as per instructions (as best as I could figure them out). To the best
of my recollection, most of it finally did install except it wouldn't
make mpiexec for the Intel compiler - even though the compiler was
previously installed. I haven't tried again since.


At 03:24 PM 10/14/2008, you wrote:
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:  new
>  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
>Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:
>  Keywords:                                          |
>Comment (by Anthony Chan):
>  {{{
>  Did you download the mpich2 tarball and run configure,
>  make and make install as stated in mpich2 installer's
>  guide ?
>  A.Chan
>  ----- "mpich2" <> wrote:
>  >
>  ----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  >  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Type:
>  > bug
>  >    Status:  new                                     |    Priority:
>  > major
>  > Milestone:                                          |   Component:
>  > mpich2
>  >
>  ----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  >
>  >
>  >  {{{
>  >
>  >  Greetings,
>  >
>  >          I have been using your release for MPICH2 for Windows
>  >  successfully,
>  >  but I have recently tried to install it on a Mac running Leopard -
>  >  but without success. I could not get it to install properly. I've
>  >  tried various ways including first installing MacPorts. But MacPorts
>  >  did not install properly. Trying to install MPICH2 from the command
>  >  line was not a success either. Is there any help you can give?
>  >
>  >  Regards,
>  >  Henry Freiund
>  >
>  >  ```
>  >
>  >
>  > --
>  > Ticket URL: <>
>  }}}
>Ticket URL: <>

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by thakur on 2008-10-15 09:47:25 -0500

You should be able to build MPICH2 on a Mac without any problem (starting from the latest tarball from the MPICH2 web site). Some of us run on a Mac laptop everyday. If you want to use the Intel compiler, set the environment variables CC, CXX, F77, and F90 to the names of the compilers before running configure. If you just need to use the Intel Fortran compiler, just set F77 and F90 to ifort.


mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-10-15 12:25:52 -0500

What are the defaults for these compilers? I ask this because I
really only need f90 for ifort. I've installed both Xcode and X11.
Are there CC, CXX, and f77 compilers installed for these by default?
Also, I think that I did reset the f90 environment variable to ifort,
but that it still couldn't locate the compiler even though it has
been installed. Is there anything special I would need to do such as
to explicitly specify the path to ifort?


At 09:47 AM 10/15/2008, you wrote:
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:  new
>  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
>Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:
>  Keywords:                                          |
>Comment (by thakur):
>  You should be able to build MPICH2 on a Mac without any problem (starting
>  from the latest tarball from the MPICH2 web site). Some of us run on a Mac
>  laptop everyday. If you want to use the Intel compiler, set the
>  environment variables CC, CXX, F77, and F90 to the names of the compilers
>  before running configure. If you just need to use the Intel Fortran
>  compiler, just set F77 and F90 to ifort.
>  Rajeev
>Ticket URL: <>
mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Rajeev Thakur on 2008-10-15 12:38:14 -0500

>  What are the defaults for these compilers? I ask this because I
>  really only need f90 for ifort. I've installed both Xcode and X11.
>  Are there CC, CXX, and f77 compilers installed for these by default?
>  Also, I think that I did reset the f90 environment variable to ifort,
>  but that it still couldn't locate the compiler even though it has
>  been installed. Is there anything special I would need to do such as
>  to explicitly specify the path to ifort?

Defaults are what configure picks, usually gcc and gfortran if it finds
them. You can give the full path to ifort in F90 or add that path to your
default Unix path. You also need to set F77 to ifort, ecause if configure
picks gfortran for F77 and ifort for F90 there can be trouble. Xcode and X11
are not really needed.

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by thakur on 2008-10-20 20:12:35 -0500

Resolving until we hear further.

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-10-22 10:00:29 -0500


         I tried to install mpich2 again, but it failed again with
the following errors

ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use
libtool(1) or lipo(1) and ar(1) on it)
ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type or format
make[5]: *** [profile] Error 1
Make failed in directory mpi-io
make[4]: *** [profile] Error 1
ranlib: for architecture: i386 file:
/Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(osserv.o) has no symbols
make[4]: `.libstamp2' is up to date.
ar cr ../../../lib/libmpich.a sendf.o recvf.o get_countf.o bsendf.o
ssendf.o rsendf.o bufattachf.o bufdetachf.o isendf.o ibsendf.o
issendf.o irsendf.o irecvf.o waitf.o testf.o request_freef.o
waitanyf.o testanyf.o waitallf.o testallf.o waitsomef.o testsomef.o
iprobef.o probef.o cancelf.o testcancelf.o send_initf.o bsend_initf.o
ssend_initf.o rsend_initf.o recv_initf.o startf.o startallf.o
sendrecvf.o sndrcvrplf.o typecontigf.o type_vectorf.o type_hvectorf.o
type_indexedf.o type_hindexedf.o type_structf.o type_extentf.o
type_sizef.o type_lbf.o type_ubf.o type_commitf.o type_freef.o
get_elementsf.o packf.o unpackf.o pack_sizef.o barrierf.o bcastf.o
gatherf.o gathervf.o scatterf.o scattervf.o allgatherf.o
allgathervf.o alltoallf.o alltoallvf.o reducef.o op_createf.o
op_freef.o allreducef.o redscatf.o scanf.o group_sizef.o
group_rankf.o grouptranksf.o group_comparef.o comm_groupf.o
group_unionf.o groupinterf.o groupdifff.o group_inclf.o group_exclf.o
grouprinclf.o grouprexclf.o group_freef.o comm_sizef.o comm_rankf.o
comm_comparef.o comm_dupf.o comm_createf.o comm_splitf.o comm_freef.o
commtesticf.o commrsizef.o commrgroupf.o iccreatef.o icmergef.o
keyval_freef.o attr_putf.o attr_getf.o attr_deletef.o topo_testf.o
cart_createf.o dims_createf.o graph_createf.o graphdims_getf.o
graph_getf.o cartdim_getf.o cart_getf.o cart_rankf.o cart_coordsf.o
grfnbcountf.o grfnbrsf.o cart_shiftf.o cart_subf.o cart_mapf.o
graph_mapf.o getpnamef.o get_versionf.o errhcreatef.o errhsetf.o
errhgetf.o errhfreef.o error_stringf.o error_classf.o finalizef.o
initializedf.o abortf.o close_portf.o comm_acceptf.o comm_connectf.o
commdiscf.o commparentf.o comm_joinf.o comm_spawnf.o spawnmultf.o
lookup_namef.o open_portf.o publish_namef.o unpubnamef.o
accumulatef.o getf.o putf.o win_completef.o win_createf.o
win_fencef.o win_freef.o win_get_groupf.o win_lockf.o win_postf.o
win_startf.o win_testf.o win_unlockf.o win_waitf.o alltoallwf.o
exscanf.o adderrclassf.o adderrcodef.o adderrstringf.o commcallerrf.o
commnewkeyf.o commdelattrf.o commfreekeyf.o comm_get_attrf.o
commgetnamf.o comm_set_attrf.o comm_set_namef.o filecallerrf.o
greqcompletef.o greqstartf.o isthrmainf.o query_threadf.o
statgetclf.o statsetelf.o typenewkeyf.o typedelattrf.o type_dupf.o
typefreekeyf.o type_get_attrf.o typegetcntsf.o typegetenvf.o
typegnamef.o typesetattrf.o typesetnamef.o type_match_sizef.o
wincallerrf.o winnewkeyf.o windelattrf.o winfreekeyf.o
win_get_attrf.o win_get_namef.o win_set_attrf.o win_set_namef.o
alloc_memf.o commcreerrf.o commgeterrf.o commseterrf.o filecreerrf.o
filegeterrf.o fileseterrf.o finalizedf.o free_memf.o info_createf.o
info_deletef.o info_dupf.o info_freef.o info_getf.o infognkf.o
infognthkf.o infovallenf.o info_setf.o pack_externalf.o packesizef.o
reqgetstatf.o typedarrayf.o typechindf.o typechvecf.o typecindbf.o
typecresizef.o typecstructf.o typecsubarrf.o typegetextentf.o
typegtextf.o unpackextf.o wincreerrf.o wingeterrf.o winseterrf.o
file_openf.o file_closef.o file_deletef.o file_set_sizef.o
file_preallocatef.o file_get_sizef.o file_get_groupf.o
file_get_amodef.o file_set_infof.o file_get_infof.o file_set_viewf.o
file_get_viewf.o file_read_atf.o file_read_at_allf.o file_write_atf.o
file_write_at_allf.o file_iread_atf.o file_iwrite_atf.o file_readf.o
file_read_allf.o file_writef.o file_write_allf.o file_ireadf.o
file_iwritef.o file_seekf.o file_get_positionf.o
file_get_byte_offsetf.o file_read_sharedf.o file_write_sharedf.o
file_iread_sharedf.o file_iwrite_sharedf.o file_read_orderedf.o
file_write_orderedf.o file_seek_sharedf.o file_get_position_sharedf.o
file_read_at_all_beginf.o file_read_at_all_endf.o
file_write_at_all_beginf.o file_write_at_all_endf.o
file_read_all_beginf.o file_read_all_endf.o file_write_all_beginf.o
file_write_all_endf.o file_read_ordered_beginf.o
file_read_ordered_endf.o file_write_ordered_beginf.o
file_write_ordered_endf.o file_get_type_extentf.o register_datarepf.o
file_set_atomicityf.o file_get_atomicityf.o file_syncf.o initf.o
initthreadf.o pcontrolf.o addressf.o getaddressf.o wtimef.o wtickf.o
keyval_createf.o dup_fnf.o null_del_fnf.o null_copy_fnf.o
dup_comm_fnf.o null_comm_del_fnf.o null_comm_copy_fnf.o dup_win_fnf.o
null_win_del_fnf.o null_win_copy_fnf.o dup_type_fnf.o
null_type_del_fnf.o null_type_copy_fnf.o statusf2c.o statusc2f.o
setbot.o setbotf.o
ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use libtool(1) or lipo(1)
and ar(1) on it)
ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type or format
make[3]: *** [.libstamp2] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-redirect] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
make: *** [all-redirect] Error 2

Any suggesttions,

Henry Freund

At 12:38 PM 10/15/2008, you wrote:
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:  new
>  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
>Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:
>  Keywords:                                          |
>Comment (by Rajeev Thakur):
>  {{{
>  >  What are the defaults for these compilers? I ask this because I
>  >  really only need f90 for ifort. I've installed both Xcode and X11.
>  >  Are there CC, CXX, and f77 compilers installed for these by default?
>  >  Also, I think that I did reset the f90 environment variable to ifort,
>  >  but that it still couldn't locate the compiler even though it has
>  >  been installed. Is there anything special I would need to do such as
>  >  to explicitly specify the path to ifort?
>  Defaults are what configure picks, usually gcc and gfortran if it finds
>  them. You can give the full path to ifort in F90 or add that path to your
>  default Unix path. You also need to set F77 to ifort, ecause if configure
>  picks gfortran for F77 and ifort for F90 there can be trouble. Xcode and
>  X11
>  are not really needed.
>  Rajeev
>  ```
>Ticket URL: <>

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Anthony Chan on 2008-10-22 11:03:57 -0500

Send us the configure and make outputs as stated in mpich2
installer's guide.

----- "mpich2" <> wrote:

> ----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:
> closed
>  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
> Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:
> wontfix
>  Keywords:                                          |
> ----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
> Comment (by Henry Freund):
>  {{{
>  Hi,
>           I tried to install mpich2 again, but it failed again with
>  the following errors
>  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use
>  libtool(1) or lipo(1) and ar(1) on it)
>  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type
> or
>  format
>  make[5]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  Make failed in directory mpi-io
>  make[4]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  ranlib: for architecture: i386 file:
>  /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(osserv.o) has no symbols
>  make[4]: `.libstamp2' is up to date.
>  ar cr ../../../lib/libmpich.a sendf.o recvf.o get_countf.o bsendf.o
>  ssendf.o rsendf.o bufattachf.o bufdetachf.o isendf.o ibsendf.o
>  issendf.o irsendf.o irecvf.o waitf.o testf.o request_freef.o
>  waitanyf.o testanyf.o waitallf.o testallf.o waitsomef.o testsomef.o
>  iprobef.o probef.o cancelf.o testcancelf.o send_initf.o
> bsend_initf.o
>  ssend_initf.o rsend_initf.o recv_initf.o startf.o startallf.o
>  sendrecvf.o sndrcvrplf.o typecontigf.o type_vectorf.o
> type_hvectorf.o
>  type_indexedf.o type_hindexedf.o type_structf.o type_extentf.o
>  type_sizef.o type_lbf.o type_ubf.o type_commitf.o type_freef.o
>  get_elementsf.o packf.o unpackf.o pack_sizef.o barrierf.o bcastf.o
>  gatherf.o gathervf.o scatterf.o scattervf.o allgatherf.o
>  allgathervf.o alltoallf.o alltoallvf.o reducef.o op_createf.o
>  op_freef.o allreducef.o redscatf.o scanf.o group_sizef.o
>  group_rankf.o grouptranksf.o group_comparef.o comm_groupf.o
>  group_unionf.o groupinterf.o groupdifff.o group_inclf.o
> group_exclf.o
>  grouprinclf.o grouprexclf.o group_freef.o comm_sizef.o comm_rankf.o
>  comm_comparef.o comm_dupf.o comm_createf.o comm_splitf.o
> comm_freef.o
>  commtesticf.o commrsizef.o commrgroupf.o iccreatef.o icmergef.o
>  keyval_freef.o attr_putf.o attr_getf.o attr_deletef.o topo_testf.o
>  cart_createf.o dims_createf.o graph_createf.o graphdims_getf.o
>  graph_getf.o cartdim_getf.o cart_getf.o cart_rankf.o cart_coordsf.o
>  grfnbcountf.o grfnbrsf.o cart_shiftf.o cart_subf.o cart_mapf.o
>  graph_mapf.o getpnamef.o get_versionf.o errhcreatef.o errhsetf.o
>  errhgetf.o errhfreef.o error_stringf.o error_classf.o finalizef.o
>  initializedf.o abortf.o close_portf.o comm_acceptf.o comm_connectf.o
>  commdiscf.o commparentf.o comm_joinf.o comm_spawnf.o spawnmultf.o
>  lookup_namef.o open_portf.o publish_namef.o unpubnamef.o
>  accumulatef.o getf.o putf.o win_completef.o win_createf.o
>  win_fencef.o win_freef.o win_get_groupf.o win_lockf.o win_postf.o
>  win_startf.o win_testf.o win_unlockf.o win_waitf.o alltoallwf.o
>  exscanf.o adderrclassf.o adderrcodef.o adderrstringf.o
> commcallerrf.o
>  commnewkeyf.o commdelattrf.o commfreekeyf.o comm_get_attrf.o
>  commgetnamf.o comm_set_attrf.o comm_set_namef.o filecallerrf.o
>  greqcompletef.o greqstartf.o isthrmainf.o query_threadf.o
>  statgetclf.o statsetelf.o typenewkeyf.o typedelattrf.o type_dupf.o
>  typefreekeyf.o type_get_attrf.o typegetcntsf.o typegetenvf.o
>  typegnamef.o typesetattrf.o typesetnamef.o type_match_sizef.o
>  wincallerrf.o winnewkeyf.o windelattrf.o winfreekeyf.o
>  win_get_attrf.o win_get_namef.o win_set_attrf.o win_set_namef.o
>  alloc_memf.o commcreerrf.o commgeterrf.o commseterrf.o filecreerrf.o
>  filegeterrf.o fileseterrf.o finalizedf.o free_memf.o info_createf.o
>  info_deletef.o info_dupf.o info_freef.o info_getf.o infognkf.o
>  infognthkf.o infovallenf.o info_setf.o pack_externalf.o packesizef.o
>  reqgetstatf.o typedarrayf.o typechindf.o typechvecf.o typecindbf.o
>  typecresizef.o typecstructf.o typecsubarrf.o typegetextentf.o
>  typegtextf.o unpackextf.o wincreerrf.o wingeterrf.o winseterrf.o
>  file_openf.o file_closef.o file_deletef.o file_set_sizef.o
>  file_preallocatef.o file_get_sizef.o file_get_groupf.o
>  file_get_amodef.o file_set_infof.o file_get_infof.o file_set_viewf.o
>  file_get_viewf.o file_read_atf.o file_read_at_allf.o
> file_write_atf.o
>  file_write_at_allf.o file_iread_atf.o file_iwrite_atf.o file_readf.o
>  file_read_allf.o file_writef.o file_write_allf.o file_ireadf.o
>  file_iwritef.o file_seekf.o file_get_positionf.o
>  file_get_byte_offsetf.o file_read_sharedf.o file_write_sharedf.o
>  file_iread_sharedf.o file_iwrite_sharedf.o file_read_orderedf.o
>  file_write_orderedf.o file_seek_sharedf.o
> file_get_position_sharedf.o
>  file_read_at_all_beginf.o file_read_at_all_endf.o
>  file_write_at_all_beginf.o file_write_at_all_endf.o
>  file_read_all_beginf.o file_read_all_endf.o file_write_all_beginf.o
>  file_write_all_endf.o file_read_ordered_beginf.o
>  file_read_ordered_endf.o file_write_ordered_beginf.o
>  file_write_ordered_endf.o file_get_type_extentf.o
> register_datarepf.o
>  file_set_atomicityf.o file_get_atomicityf.o file_syncf.o initf.o
>  initthreadf.o pcontrolf.o addressf.o getaddressf.o wtimef.o wtickf.o
>  keyval_createf.o dup_fnf.o null_del_fnf.o null_copy_fnf.o
>  dup_comm_fnf.o null_comm_del_fnf.o null_comm_copy_fnf.o
> dup_win_fnf.o
>  null_win_del_fnf.o null_win_copy_fnf.o dup_type_fnf.o
>  null_type_del_fnf.o null_type_copy_fnf.o statusf2c.o statusc2f.o
>  setbot.o setbotf.o
>  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use libtool(1) or lipo(1)
>  and ar(1) on it)
>  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type or format
>  make[3]: *** [.libstamp2] Error 1
>  make[2]: *** [all-redirect] Error 1
>  make[1]: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  make: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  Any suggesttions,
>  Henry Freund
>  At 12:38 PM 10/15/2008, you wrote:
> >----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  >  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |
> Owner:
>  >      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:
>  new
>  >  Priority:  major                                   |
> Milestone:
>  >Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:
>  >  Keywords:                                          |
> >----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  >
>  >
>  >Comment (by Rajeev Thakur):
>  >
>  >  {{{
>  >
>  >  >  What are the defaults for these compilers? I ask this because
> I
>  >  >  really only need f90 for ifort. I've installed both Xcode and
> X11.
>  >  >  Are there CC, CXX, and f77 compilers installed for these by
> default?
>  >  >  Also, I think that I did reset the f90 environment variable to
>  ifort,
>  >  >  but that it still couldn't locate the compiler even though it
> has
>  >  >  been installed. Is there anything special I would need to do
> such as
>  >  >  to explicitly specify the path to ifort?
>  >
>  >  Defaults are what configure picks, usually gcc and gfortran if it
> finds
>  >  them. You can give the full path to ifort in F90 or add that path
> to
>  your
>  >  default Unix path. You also need to set F77 to ifort, ecause if
>  configure
>  >  picks gfortran for F77 and ifort for F90 there can be trouble.
> Xcode
>  and
>  >  X11
>  >  are not really needed.
>  >
>  >  Rajeev
>  >
>  >  ```
>  >
>  >--
>  >Ticket URL:
>  <>
>  }}}
> --
> Ticket URL:
> <>
mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Rajeev Thakur on 2008-10-22 14:27:13 -0500

It is possible that your C compiler creates 64-bit binaries and Fortran
compiler creates 32-bit binaries, or vice-versa. If you are using gcc, try
setting CFLAGS to -m32 before running configure. If that doesn't work, try
setting CFLAGS to -m64.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of mpich2
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:01 AM
> To: undisclosed-recipients:
> Subject: Re: [mpich2-maint] #215: MPICH2 for the Mac
> ----------------------------------------------------+---------
> --------------
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |
> Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |
> Status:  closed
>  Priority:  major                                   |
> Milestone:
> Component:  mpich2                                  |
> Resolution:  wontfix
>  Keywords:                                          |
> ----------------------------------------------------+---------
> --------------
> Comment (by Henry Freund):
>  {{{
>  Hi,
>           I tried to install mpich2 again, but it failed again with
>  the following errors
>  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use
>  libtool(1) or lipo(1) and ar(1) on it)
>  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate
> file type or
>  format
>  make[5]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  Make failed in directory mpi-io
>  make[4]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  ranlib: for architecture: i386 file:
>  /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(osserv.o) has no symbols
>  make[4]: `.libstamp2' is up to date.
>  ar cr ../../../lib/libmpich.a sendf.o recvf.o get_countf.o bsendf.o
>  ssendf.o rsendf.o bufattachf.o bufdetachf.o isendf.o ibsendf.o
>  issendf.o irsendf.o irecvf.o waitf.o testf.o request_freef.o
>  waitanyf.o testanyf.o waitallf.o testallf.o waitsomef.o testsomef.o
>  iprobef.o probef.o cancelf.o testcancelf.o send_initf.o bsend_initf.o
>  ssend_initf.o rsend_initf.o recv_initf.o startf.o startallf.o
>  sendrecvf.o sndrcvrplf.o typecontigf.o type_vectorf.o type_hvectorf.o
>  type_indexedf.o type_hindexedf.o type_structf.o type_extentf.o
>  type_sizef.o type_lbf.o type_ubf.o type_commitf.o type_freef.o
>  get_elementsf.o packf.o unpackf.o pack_sizef.o barrierf.o bcastf.o
>  gatherf.o gathervf.o scatterf.o scattervf.o allgatherf.o
>  allgathervf.o alltoallf.o alltoallvf.o reducef.o op_createf.o
>  op_freef.o allreducef.o redscatf.o scanf.o group_sizef.o
>  group_rankf.o grouptranksf.o group_comparef.o comm_groupf.o
>  group_unionf.o groupinterf.o groupdifff.o group_inclf.o group_exclf.o
>  grouprinclf.o grouprexclf.o group_freef.o comm_sizef.o comm_rankf.o
>  comm_comparef.o comm_dupf.o comm_createf.o comm_splitf.o comm_freef.o
>  commtesticf.o commrsizef.o commrgroupf.o iccreatef.o icmergef.o
>  keyval_freef.o attr_putf.o attr_getf.o attr_deletef.o topo_testf.o
>  cart_createf.o dims_createf.o graph_createf.o graphdims_getf.o
>  graph_getf.o cartdim_getf.o cart_getf.o cart_rankf.o cart_coordsf.o
>  grfnbcountf.o grfnbrsf.o cart_shiftf.o cart_subf.o cart_mapf.o
>  graph_mapf.o getpnamef.o get_versionf.o errhcreatef.o errhsetf.o
>  errhgetf.o errhfreef.o error_stringf.o error_classf.o finalizef.o
>  initializedf.o abortf.o close_portf.o comm_acceptf.o comm_connectf.o
>  commdiscf.o commparentf.o comm_joinf.o comm_spawnf.o spawnmultf.o
>  lookup_namef.o open_portf.o publish_namef.o unpubnamef.o
>  accumulatef.o getf.o putf.o win_completef.o win_createf.o
>  win_fencef.o win_freef.o win_get_groupf.o win_lockf.o win_postf.o
>  win_startf.o win_testf.o win_unlockf.o win_waitf.o alltoallwf.o
>  exscanf.o adderrclassf.o adderrcodef.o adderrstringf.o commcallerrf.o
>  commnewkeyf.o commdelattrf.o commfreekeyf.o comm_get_attrf.o
>  commgetnamf.o comm_set_attrf.o comm_set_namef.o filecallerrf.o
>  greqcompletef.o greqstartf.o isthrmainf.o query_threadf.o
>  statgetclf.o statsetelf.o typenewkeyf.o typedelattrf.o type_dupf.o
>  typefreekeyf.o type_get_attrf.o typegetcntsf.o typegetenvf.o
>  typegnamef.o typesetattrf.o typesetnamef.o type_match_sizef.o
>  wincallerrf.o winnewkeyf.o windelattrf.o winfreekeyf.o
>  win_get_attrf.o win_get_namef.o win_set_attrf.o win_set_namef.o
>  alloc_memf.o commcreerrf.o commgeterrf.o commseterrf.o filecreerrf.o
>  filegeterrf.o fileseterrf.o finalizedf.o free_memf.o info_createf.o
>  info_deletef.o info_dupf.o info_freef.o info_getf.o infognkf.o
>  infognthkf.o infovallenf.o info_setf.o pack_externalf.o packesizef.o
>  reqgetstatf.o typedarrayf.o typechindf.o typechvecf.o typecindbf.o
>  typecresizef.o typecstructf.o typecsubarrf.o typegetextentf.o
>  typegtextf.o unpackextf.o wincreerrf.o wingeterrf.o winseterrf.o
>  file_openf.o file_closef.o file_deletef.o file_set_sizef.o
>  file_preallocatef.o file_get_sizef.o file_get_groupf.o
>  file_get_amodef.o file_set_infof.o file_get_infof.o file_set_viewf.o
>  file_get_viewf.o file_read_atf.o file_read_at_allf.o file_write_atf.o
>  file_write_at_allf.o file_iread_atf.o file_iwrite_atf.o file_readf.o
>  file_read_allf.o file_writef.o file_write_allf.o file_ireadf.o
>  file_iwritef.o file_seekf.o file_get_positionf.o
>  file_get_byte_offsetf.o file_read_sharedf.o file_write_sharedf.o
>  file_iread_sharedf.o file_iwrite_sharedf.o file_read_orderedf.o
>  file_write_orderedf.o file_seek_sharedf.o file_get_position_sharedf.o
>  file_read_at_all_beginf.o file_read_at_all_endf.o
>  file_write_at_all_beginf.o file_write_at_all_endf.o
>  file_read_all_beginf.o file_read_all_endf.o file_write_all_beginf.o
>  file_write_all_endf.o file_read_ordered_beginf.o
>  file_read_ordered_endf.o file_write_ordered_beginf.o
>  file_write_ordered_endf.o file_get_type_extentf.o register_datarepf.o
>  file_set_atomicityf.o file_get_atomicityf.o file_syncf.o initf.o
>  initthreadf.o pcontrolf.o addressf.o getaddressf.o wtimef.o wtickf.o
>  keyval_createf.o dup_fnf.o null_del_fnf.o null_copy_fnf.o
>  dup_comm_fnf.o null_comm_del_fnf.o null_comm_copy_fnf.o dup_win_fnf.o
>  null_win_del_fnf.o null_win_copy_fnf.o dup_type_fnf.o
>  null_type_del_fnf.o null_type_copy_fnf.o statusf2c.o statusc2f.o
>  setbot.o setbotf.o
>  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use libtool(1) or lipo(1)
>  and ar(1) on it)
>  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type or format
>  make[3]: *** [.libstamp2] Error 1
>  make[2]: *** [all-redirect] Error 1
>  make[1]: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  make: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  Any suggesttions,
mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-10-22 14:41:38 -0500

That has occurred to us. I installed the Intel compiler from a CD,
but I've forgotten whether it installed the 32- or 64-bit versions.
Thanks for the suggestion

At 02:27 PM 10/22/2008, you wrote:
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:  closed
>  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
>Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:  wontfix
>  Keywords:                                          |
>Comment (by Rajeev Thakur):
>  {{{
>  It is possible that your C compiler creates 64-bit binaries and Fortran
>  compiler creates 32-bit binaries, or vice-versa. If you are using gcc, try
>  setting CFLAGS to -m32 before running configure. If that doesn't work, try
>  setting CFLAGS to -m64.
>  Rajeev
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From:
>  > [] On Behalf Of mpich2
>  > Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:01 AM
>  > To: undisclosed-recipients:
>  > Subject: Re: [mpich2-maint] #215: MPICH2 for the Mac
>  >
>  > ----------------------------------------------------+---------
>  > --------------
>  >  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |
>  > Owner:
>  >      Type:  bug                                     |
>  > Status:  closed
>  >  Priority:  major                                   |
>  > Milestone:
>  > Component:  mpich2                                  |
>  > Resolution:  wontfix
>  >  Keywords:                                          |
>  > ----------------------------------------------------+---------
>  > --------------
>  >
>  >
>  > Comment (by Henry Freund):
>  >
>  >  {{{
>  >
>  >  Hi,
>  >
>  >           I tried to install mpich2 again, but it failed again with
>  >  the following errors
>  >
>  >  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use
>  >  libtool(1) or lipo(1) and ar(1) on it)
>  >  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate
>  > file type or
>  >  format
>  >  make[5]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  >  Make failed in directory mpi-io
>  >  make[4]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  >  ranlib: for architecture: i386 file:
>  >  /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(osserv.o) has no symbols
>  >  make[4]: `.libstamp2' is up to date.
>  >  ar cr ../../../lib/libmpich.a sendf.o recvf.o get_countf.o bsendf.o
>  >  ssendf.o rsendf.o bufattachf.o bufdetachf.o isendf.o ibsendf.o
>  >  issendf.o irsendf.o irecvf.o waitf.o testf.o request_freef.o
>  >  waitanyf.o testanyf.o waitallf.o testallf.o waitsomef.o testsomef.o
>  >  iprobef.o probef.o cancelf.o testcancelf.o send_initf.o bsend_initf.o
>  >  ssend_initf.o rsend_initf.o recv_initf.o startf.o startallf.o
>  >  sendrecvf.o sndrcvrplf.o typecontigf.o type_vectorf.o type_hvectorf.o
>  >  type_indexedf.o type_hindexedf.o type_structf.o type_extentf.o
>  >  type_sizef.o type_lbf.o type_ubf.o type_commitf.o type_freef.o
>  >  get_elementsf.o packf.o unpackf.o pack_sizef.o barrierf.o bcastf.o
>  >  gatherf.o gathervf.o scatterf.o scattervf.o allgatherf.o
>  >  allgathervf.o alltoallf.o alltoallvf.o reducef.o op_createf.o
>  >  op_freef.o allreducef.o redscatf.o scanf.o group_sizef.o
>  >  group_rankf.o grouptranksf.o group_comparef.o comm_groupf.o
>  >  group_unionf.o groupinterf.o groupdifff.o group_inclf.o group_exclf.o
>  >  grouprinclf.o grouprexclf.o group_freef.o comm_sizef.o comm_rankf.o
>  >  comm_comparef.o comm_dupf.o comm_createf.o comm_splitf.o comm_freef.o
>  >  commtesticf.o commrsizef.o commrgroupf.o iccreatef.o icmergef.o
>  >  keyval_freef.o attr_putf.o attr_getf.o attr_deletef.o topo_testf.o
>  >  cart_createf.o dims_createf.o graph_createf.o graphdims_getf.o
>  >  graph_getf.o cartdim_getf.o cart_getf.o cart_rankf.o cart_coordsf.o
>  >  grfnbcountf.o grfnbrsf.o cart_shiftf.o cart_subf.o cart_mapf.o
>  >  graph_mapf.o getpnamef.o get_versionf.o errhcreatef.o errhsetf.o
>  >  errhgetf.o errhfreef.o error_stringf.o error_classf.o finalizef.o
>  >  initializedf.o abortf.o close_portf.o comm_acceptf.o comm_connectf.o
>  >  commdiscf.o commparentf.o comm_joinf.o comm_spawnf.o spawnmultf.o
>  >  lookup_namef.o open_portf.o publish_namef.o unpubnamef.o
>  >  accumulatef.o getf.o putf.o win_completef.o win_createf.o
>  >  win_fencef.o win_freef.o win_get_groupf.o win_lockf.o win_postf.o
>  >  win_startf.o win_testf.o win_unlockf.o win_waitf.o alltoallwf.o
>  >  exscanf.o adderrclassf.o adderrcodef.o adderrstringf.o commcallerrf.o
>  >  commnewkeyf.o commdelattrf.o commfreekeyf.o comm_get_attrf.o
>  >  commgetnamf.o comm_set_attrf.o comm_set_namef.o filecallerrf.o
>  >  greqcompletef.o greqstartf.o isthrmainf.o query_threadf.o
>  >  statgetclf.o statsetelf.o typenewkeyf.o typedelattrf.o type_dupf.o
>  >  typefreekeyf.o type_get_attrf.o typegetcntsf.o typegetenvf.o
>  >  typegnamef.o typesetattrf.o typesetnamef.o type_match_sizef.o
>  >  wincallerrf.o winnewkeyf.o windelattrf.o winfreekeyf.o
>  >  win_get_attrf.o win_get_namef.o win_set_attrf.o win_set_namef.o
>  >  alloc_memf.o commcreerrf.o commgeterrf.o commseterrf.o filecreerrf.o
>  >  filegeterrf.o fileseterrf.o finalizedf.o free_memf.o info_createf.o
>  >  info_deletef.o info_dupf.o info_freef.o info_getf.o infognkf.o
>  >  infognthkf.o infovallenf.o info_setf.o pack_externalf.o packesizef.o
>  >  reqgetstatf.o typedarrayf.o typechindf.o typechvecf.o typecindbf.o
>  >  typecresizef.o typecstructf.o typecsubarrf.o typegetextentf.o
>  >  typegtextf.o unpackextf.o wincreerrf.o wingeterrf.o winseterrf.o
>  >  file_openf.o file_closef.o file_deletef.o file_set_sizef.o
>  >  file_preallocatef.o file_get_sizef.o file_get_groupf.o
>  >  file_get_amodef.o file_set_infof.o file_get_infof.o file_set_viewf.o
>  >  file_get_viewf.o file_read_atf.o file_read_at_allf.o file_write_atf.o
>  >  file_write_at_allf.o file_iread_atf.o file_iwrite_atf.o file_readf.o
>  >  file_read_allf.o file_writef.o file_write_allf.o file_ireadf.o
>  >  file_iwritef.o file_seekf.o file_get_positionf.o
>  >  file_get_byte_offsetf.o file_read_sharedf.o file_write_sharedf.o
>  >  file_iread_sharedf.o file_iwrite_sharedf.o file_read_orderedf.o
>  >  file_write_orderedf.o file_seek_sharedf.o file_get_position_sharedf.o
>  >  file_read_at_all_beginf.o file_read_at_all_endf.o
>  >  file_write_at_all_beginf.o file_write_at_all_endf.o
>  >  file_read_all_beginf.o file_read_all_endf.o file_write_all_beginf.o
>  >  file_write_all_endf.o file_read_ordered_beginf.o
>  >  file_read_ordered_endf.o file_write_ordered_beginf.o
>  >  file_write_ordered_endf.o file_get_type_extentf.o register_datarepf.o
>  >  file_set_atomicityf.o file_get_atomicityf.o file_syncf.o initf.o
>  >  initthreadf.o pcontrolf.o addressf.o getaddressf.o wtimef.o wtickf.o
>  >  keyval_createf.o dup_fnf.o null_del_fnf.o null_copy_fnf.o
>  >  dup_comm_fnf.o null_comm_del_fnf.o null_comm_copy_fnf.o dup_win_fnf.o
>  >  null_win_del_fnf.o null_win_copy_fnf.o dup_type_fnf.o
>  >  null_type_del_fnf.o null_type_copy_fnf.o statusf2c.o statusc2f.o
>  >  setbot.o setbotf.o
>  >  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use libtool(1) or lipo(1)
>  >  and ar(1) on it)
>  >  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type or format
>  >  make[3]: *** [.libstamp2] Error 1
>  >  make[2]: *** [all-redirect] Error 1
>  >  make[1]: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  >  make: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  >
>  >  Any suggesttions,
>  ```
>Ticket URL: <>

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-10-23 14:41:00 -0500

That was the problem. it's working now. Thanks!

At 02:27 PM 10/22/2008, you wrote:
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:  closed
>  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
>Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:  wontfix
>  Keywords:                                          |
>Comment (by Rajeev Thakur):
>  {{{
>  It is possible that your C compiler creates 64-bit binaries and Fortran
>  compiler creates 32-bit binaries, or vice-versa. If you are using gcc, try
>  setting CFLAGS to -m32 before running configure. If that doesn't work, try
>  setting CFLAGS to -m64.
>  Rajeev
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From:
>  > [] On Behalf Of mpich2
>  > Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:01 AM
>  > To: undisclosed-recipients:
>  > Subject: Re: [mpich2-maint] #215: MPICH2 for the Mac
>  >
>  > ----------------------------------------------------+---------
>  > --------------
>  >  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |
>  > Owner:
>  >      Type:  bug                                     |
>  > Status:  closed
>  >  Priority:  major                                   |
>  > Milestone:
>  > Component:  mpich2                                  |
>  > Resolution:  wontfix
>  >  Keywords:                                          |
>  > ----------------------------------------------------+---------
>  > --------------
>  >
>  >
>  > Comment (by Henry Freund):
>  >
>  >  {{{
>  >
>  >  Hi,
>  >
>  >           I tried to install mpich2 again, but it failed again with
>  >  the following errors
>  >
>  >  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use
>  >  libtool(1) or lipo(1) and ar(1) on it)
>  >  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate
>  > file type or
>  >  format
>  >  make[5]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  >  Make failed in directory mpi-io
>  >  make[4]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  >  ranlib: for architecture: i386 file:
>  >  /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(osserv.o) has no symbols
>  >  make[4]: `.libstamp2' is up to date.
>  >  ar cr ../../../lib/libmpich.a sendf.o recvf.o get_countf.o bsendf.o
>  >  ssendf.o rsendf.o bufattachf.o bufdetachf.o isendf.o ibsendf.o
>  >  issendf.o irsendf.o irecvf.o waitf.o testf.o request_freef.o
>  >  waitanyf.o testanyf.o waitallf.o testallf.o waitsomef.o testsomef.o
>  >  iprobef.o probef.o cancelf.o testcancelf.o send_initf.o bsend_initf.o
>  >  ssend_initf.o rsend_initf.o recv_initf.o startf.o startallf.o
>  >  sendrecvf.o sndrcvrplf.o typecontigf.o type_vectorf.o type_hvectorf.o
>  >  type_indexedf.o type_hindexedf.o type_structf.o type_extentf.o
>  >  type_sizef.o type_lbf.o type_ubf.o type_commitf.o type_freef.o
>  >  get_elementsf.o packf.o unpackf.o pack_sizef.o barrierf.o bcastf.o
>  >  gatherf.o gathervf.o scatterf.o scattervf.o allgatherf.o
>  >  allgathervf.o alltoallf.o alltoallvf.o reducef.o op_createf.o
>  >  op_freef.o allreducef.o redscatf.o scanf.o group_sizef.o
>  >  group_rankf.o grouptranksf.o group_comparef.o comm_groupf.o
>  >  group_unionf.o groupinterf.o groupdifff.o group_inclf.o group_exclf.o
>  >  grouprinclf.o grouprexclf.o group_freef.o comm_sizef.o comm_rankf.o
>  >  comm_comparef.o comm_dupf.o comm_createf.o comm_splitf.o comm_freef.o
>  >  commtesticf.o commrsizef.o commrgroupf.o iccreatef.o icmergef.o
>  >  keyval_freef.o attr_putf.o attr_getf.o attr_deletef.o topo_testf.o
>  >  cart_createf.o dims_createf.o graph_createf.o graphdims_getf.o
>  >  graph_getf.o cartdim_getf.o cart_getf.o cart_rankf.o cart_coordsf.o
>  >  grfnbcountf.o grfnbrsf.o cart_shiftf.o cart_subf.o cart_mapf.o
>  >  graph_mapf.o getpnamef.o get_versionf.o errhcreatef.o errhsetf.o
>  >  errhgetf.o errhfreef.o error_stringf.o error_classf.o finalizef.o
>  >  initializedf.o abortf.o close_portf.o comm_acceptf.o comm_connectf.o
>  >  commdiscf.o commparentf.o comm_joinf.o comm_spawnf.o spawnmultf.o
>  >  lookup_namef.o open_portf.o publish_namef.o unpubnamef.o
>  >  accumulatef.o getf.o putf.o win_completef.o win_createf.o
>  >  win_fencef.o win_freef.o win_get_groupf.o win_lockf.o win_postf.o
>  >  win_startf.o win_testf.o win_unlockf.o win_waitf.o alltoallwf.o
>  >  exscanf.o adderrclassf.o adderrcodef.o adderrstringf.o commcallerrf.o
>  >  commnewkeyf.o commdelattrf.o commfreekeyf.o comm_get_attrf.o
>  >  commgetnamf.o comm_set_attrf.o comm_set_namef.o filecallerrf.o
>  >  greqcompletef.o greqstartf.o isthrmainf.o query_threadf.o
>  >  statgetclf.o statsetelf.o typenewkeyf.o typedelattrf.o type_dupf.o
>  >  typefreekeyf.o type_get_attrf.o typegetcntsf.o typegetenvf.o
>  >  typegnamef.o typesetattrf.o typesetnamef.o type_match_sizef.o
>  >  wincallerrf.o winnewkeyf.o windelattrf.o winfreekeyf.o
>  >  win_get_attrf.o win_get_namef.o win_set_attrf.o win_set_namef.o
>  >  alloc_memf.o commcreerrf.o commgeterrf.o commseterrf.o filecreerrf.o
>  >  filegeterrf.o fileseterrf.o finalizedf.o free_memf.o info_createf.o
>  >  info_deletef.o info_dupf.o info_freef.o info_getf.o infognkf.o
>  >  infognthkf.o infovallenf.o info_setf.o pack_externalf.o packesizef.o
>  >  reqgetstatf.o typedarrayf.o typechindf.o typechvecf.o typecindbf.o
>  >  typecresizef.o typecstructf.o typecsubarrf.o typegetextentf.o
>  >  typegtextf.o unpackextf.o wincreerrf.o wingeterrf.o winseterrf.o
>  >  file_openf.o file_closef.o file_deletef.o file_set_sizef.o
>  >  file_preallocatef.o file_get_sizef.o file_get_groupf.o
>  >  file_get_amodef.o file_set_infof.o file_get_infof.o file_set_viewf.o
>  >  file_get_viewf.o file_read_atf.o file_read_at_allf.o file_write_atf.o
>  >  file_write_at_allf.o file_iread_atf.o file_iwrite_atf.o file_readf.o
>  >  file_read_allf.o file_writef.o file_write_allf.o file_ireadf.o
>  >  file_iwritef.o file_seekf.o file_get_positionf.o
>  >  file_get_byte_offsetf.o file_read_sharedf.o file_write_sharedf.o
>  >  file_iread_sharedf.o file_iwrite_sharedf.o file_read_orderedf.o
>  >  file_write_orderedf.o file_seek_sharedf.o file_get_position_sharedf.o
>  >  file_read_at_all_beginf.o file_read_at_all_endf.o
>  >  file_write_at_all_beginf.o file_write_at_all_endf.o
>  >  file_read_all_beginf.o file_read_all_endf.o file_write_all_beginf.o
>  >  file_write_all_endf.o file_read_ordered_beginf.o
>  >  file_read_ordered_endf.o file_write_ordered_beginf.o
>  >  file_write_ordered_endf.o file_get_type_extentf.o register_datarepf.o
>  >  file_set_atomicityf.o file_get_atomicityf.o file_syncf.o initf.o
>  >  initthreadf.o pcontrolf.o addressf.o getaddressf.o wtimef.o wtickf.o
>  >  keyval_createf.o dup_fnf.o null_del_fnf.o null_copy_fnf.o
>  >  dup_comm_fnf.o null_comm_del_fnf.o null_comm_copy_fnf.o dup_win_fnf.o
>  >  null_win_del_fnf.o null_win_copy_fnf.o dup_type_fnf.o
>  >  null_type_del_fnf.o null_type_copy_fnf.o statusf2c.o statusc2f.o
>  >  setbot.o setbotf.o
>  >  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use libtool(1) or lipo(1)
>  >  and ar(1) on it)
>  >  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type or format
>  >  make[3]: *** [.libstamp2] Error 1
>  >  make[2]: *** [all-redirect] Error 1
>  >  make[1]: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  >  make: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  >
>  >  Any suggesttions,
>  ```
>Ticket URL: <>

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by Henry Freund on 2008-11-07 13:15:50 -0600


         Thanks for all of your support. I finally (with some help
here) got mpich2 installed. But there's one last issue. This is that
mpd does not start automatically when I boot into the MAC OS.
Instead, I get a message that I should execute mpd &. When I do that,
then everything works. Can you tell me how to get mpd to launch
automatically with the OS?

Henry Freund

At 02:41 PM 10/22/2008, you wrote:
>  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:  closed
>  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
>Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:  wontfix
>  Keywords:                                          |
>Comment (by Henry Freund):
>  {{{
>  That has occurred to us. I installed the Intel compiler from a CD,
>  but I've forgotten whether it installed the 32- or 64-bit versions.
>  Thanks for the suggestion
>  At 02:27 PM 10/22/2008, you wrote:
>  >----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  >  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |        Owner:
>  >      Type:  bug                                     |       Status:
>  closed
>  >  Priority:  major                                   |    Milestone:
>  >Component:  mpich2                                  |   Resolution:
>  wontfix
>  >  Keywords:                                          |
>  >----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------
>  >
>  >
>  >Comment (by Rajeev Thakur):
>  >
>  >  {{{
>  >
>  >  It is possible that your C compiler creates 64-bit binaries and Fortran
>  >  compiler creates 32-bit binaries, or vice-versa. If you are using gcc,
>  try
>  >  setting CFLAGS to -m32 before running configure. If that doesn't work,
>  try
>  >  setting CFLAGS to -m64.
>  >
>  >  Rajeev
>  >
>  >  > -----Original Message-----
>  >  > From:
>  >  > [] On Behalf Of mpich2
>  >  > Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:01 AM
>  >  > To: undisclosed-recipients:
>  >  > Subject: Re: [mpich2-maint] #215: MPICH2 for the Mac
>  >  >
>  >  > ----------------------------------------------------+---------
>  >  > --------------
>  >  >  Reporter:  Henry Freund <>  |
>  >  > Owner:
>  >  >      Type:  bug                                     |
>  >  > Status:  closed
>  >  >  Priority:  major                                   |
>  >  > Milestone:
>  >  > Component:  mpich2                                  |
>  >  > Resolution:  wontfix
>  >  >  Keywords:                                          |
>  >  > ----------------------------------------------------+---------
>  >  > --------------
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > Comment (by Henry Freund):
>  >  >
>  >  >  {{{
>  >  >
>  >  >  Hi,
>  >  >
>  >  >           I tried to install mpich2 again, but it failed again with
>  >  >  the following errors
>  >  >
>  >  >  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use
>  >  >  libtool(1) or lipo(1) and ar(1) on it)
>  >  >  ar: /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate
>  >  > file type or
>  >  >  format
>  >  >  make[5]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  >  >  Make failed in directory mpi-io
>  >  >  make[4]: *** [profile] Error 1
>  >  >  ranlib: for architecture: i386 file:
>  >  >  /Users/henryfreund/mpich/lib/libmpich.a(osserv.o) has no symbols
>  >  >  make[4]: `.libstamp2' is up to date.
>  >  >  ar cr ../../../lib/libmpich.a sendf.o recvf.o get_countf.o bsendf.o
>  >  >  ssendf.o rsendf.o bufattachf.o bufdetachf.o isendf.o ibsendf.o
>  >  >  issendf.o irsendf.o irecvf.o waitf.o testf.o request_freef.o
>  >  >  waitanyf.o testanyf.o waitallf.o testallf.o waitsomef.o testsomef.o
>  >  >  iprobef.o probef.o cancelf.o testcancelf.o send_initf.o
>  bsend_initf.o
>  >  >  ssend_initf.o rsend_initf.o recv_initf.o startf.o startallf.o
>  >  >  sendrecvf.o sndrcvrplf.o typecontigf.o type_vectorf.o
>  type_hvectorf.o
>  >  >  type_indexedf.o type_hindexedf.o type_structf.o type_extentf.o
>  >  >  type_sizef.o type_lbf.o type_ubf.o type_commitf.o type_freef.o
>  >  >  get_elementsf.o packf.o unpackf.o pack_sizef.o barrierf.o bcastf.o
>  >  >  gatherf.o gathervf.o scatterf.o scattervf.o allgatherf.o
>  >  >  allgathervf.o alltoallf.o alltoallvf.o reducef.o op_createf.o
>  >  >  op_freef.o allreducef.o redscatf.o scanf.o group_sizef.o
>  >  >  group_rankf.o grouptranksf.o group_comparef.o comm_groupf.o
>  >  >  group_unionf.o groupinterf.o groupdifff.o group_inclf.o
>  group_exclf.o
>  >  >  grouprinclf.o grouprexclf.o group_freef.o comm_sizef.o comm_rankf.o
>  >  >  comm_comparef.o comm_dupf.o comm_createf.o comm_splitf.o
>  comm_freef.o
>  >  >  commtesticf.o commrsizef.o commrgroupf.o iccreatef.o icmergef.o
>  >  >  keyval_freef.o attr_putf.o attr_getf.o attr_deletef.o topo_testf.o
>  >  >  cart_createf.o dims_createf.o graph_createf.o graphdims_getf.o
>  >  >  graph_getf.o cartdim_getf.o cart_getf.o cart_rankf.o cart_coordsf.o
>  >  >  grfnbcountf.o grfnbrsf.o cart_shiftf.o cart_subf.o cart_mapf.o
>  >  >  graph_mapf.o getpnamef.o get_versionf.o errhcreatef.o errhsetf.o
>  >  >  errhgetf.o errhfreef.o error_stringf.o error_classf.o finalizef.o
>  >  >  initializedf.o abortf.o close_portf.o comm_acceptf.o comm_connectf.o
>  >  >  commdiscf.o commparentf.o comm_joinf.o comm_spawnf.o spawnmultf.o
>  >  >  lookup_namef.o open_portf.o publish_namef.o unpubnamef.o
>  >  >  accumulatef.o getf.o putf.o win_completef.o win_createf.o
>  >  >  win_fencef.o win_freef.o win_get_groupf.o win_lockf.o win_postf.o
>  >  >  win_startf.o win_testf.o win_unlockf.o win_waitf.o alltoallwf.o
>  >  >  exscanf.o adderrclassf.o adderrcodef.o adderrstringf.o
>  commcallerrf.o
>  >  >  commnewkeyf.o commdelattrf.o commfreekeyf.o comm_get_attrf.o
>  >  >  commgetnamf.o comm_set_attrf.o comm_set_namef.o filecallerrf.o
>  >  >  greqcompletef.o greqstartf.o isthrmainf.o query_threadf.o
>  >  >  statgetclf.o statsetelf.o typenewkeyf.o typedelattrf.o type_dupf.o
>  >  >  typefreekeyf.o type_get_attrf.o typegetcntsf.o typegetenvf.o
>  >  >  typegnamef.o typesetattrf.o typesetnamef.o type_match_sizef.o
>  >  >  wincallerrf.o winnewkeyf.o windelattrf.o winfreekeyf.o
>  >  >  win_get_attrf.o win_get_namef.o win_set_attrf.o win_set_namef.o
>  >  >  alloc_memf.o commcreerrf.o commgeterrf.o commseterrf.o filecreerrf.o
>  >  >  filegeterrf.o fileseterrf.o finalizedf.o free_memf.o info_createf.o
>  >  >  info_deletef.o info_dupf.o info_freef.o info_getf.o infognkf.o
>  >  >  infognthkf.o infovallenf.o info_setf.o pack_externalf.o packesizef.o
>  >  >  reqgetstatf.o typedarrayf.o typechindf.o typechvecf.o typecindbf.o
>  >  >  typecresizef.o typecstructf.o typecsubarrf.o typegetextentf.o
>  >  >  typegtextf.o unpackextf.o wincreerrf.o wingeterrf.o winseterrf.o
>  >  >  file_openf.o file_closef.o file_deletef.o file_set_sizef.o
>  >  >  file_preallocatef.o file_get_sizef.o file_get_groupf.o
>  >  >  file_get_amodef.o file_set_infof.o file_get_infof.o file_set_viewf.o
>  >  >  file_get_viewf.o file_read_atf.o file_read_at_allf.o
>  file_write_atf.o
>  >  >  file_write_at_allf.o file_iread_atf.o file_iwrite_atf.o file_readf.o
>  >  >  file_read_allf.o file_writef.o file_write_allf.o file_ireadf.o
>  >  >  file_iwritef.o file_seekf.o file_get_positionf.o
>  >  >  file_get_byte_offsetf.o file_read_sharedf.o file_write_sharedf.o
>  >  >  file_iread_sharedf.o file_iwrite_sharedf.o file_read_orderedf.o
>  >  >  file_write_orderedf.o file_seek_sharedf.o
>  file_get_position_sharedf.o
>  >  >  file_read_at_all_beginf.o file_read_at_all_endf.o
>  >  >  file_write_at_all_beginf.o file_write_at_all_endf.o
>  >  >  file_read_all_beginf.o file_read_all_endf.o file_write_all_beginf.o
>  >  >  file_write_all_endf.o file_read_ordered_beginf.o
>  >  >  file_read_ordered_endf.o file_write_ordered_beginf.o
>  >  >  file_write_ordered_endf.o file_get_type_extentf.o
>  register_datarepf.o
>  >  >  file_set_atomicityf.o file_get_atomicityf.o file_syncf.o initf.o
>  >  >  initthreadf.o pcontrolf.o addressf.o getaddressf.o wtimef.o wtickf.o
>  >  >  keyval_createf.o dup_fnf.o null_del_fnf.o null_copy_fnf.o
>  >  >  dup_comm_fnf.o null_comm_del_fnf.o null_comm_copy_fnf.o
>  dup_win_fnf.o
>  >  >  null_win_del_fnf.o null_win_copy_fnf.o dup_type_fnf.o
>  >  >  null_type_del_fnf.o null_type_copy_fnf.o statusf2c.o statusc2f.o
>  >  >  setbot.o setbotf.o
>  >  >  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a is a fat file (use libtool(1) or lipo(1)
>  >  >  and ar(1) on it)
>  >  >  ar: ../../../lib/libmpich.a: Inappropriate file type or format
>  >  >  make[3]: *** [.libstamp2] Error 1
>  >  >  make[2]: *** [all-redirect] Error 1
>  >  >  make[1]: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  >  >  make: *** [all-redirect] Error 2
>  >  >
>  >  >  Any suggesttions,
>  >
>  >  ```
>  >
>  >--
>  >Ticket URL:
>  <>
>  }}}
>Ticket URL: <>
