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MPICH2 and python 2.3 #753

Closed mpichbot closed 7 years ago

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by on 2009-07-28 11:49:29 -0500


I'm installing MPICH2 on a small cluster and found that it would not work
with Python 2.3.  Googling the error led to references that the set class
was introduced in 2.4.  Installing 2.6.2 gets me past the error.
Specifically, mpiexec -n 1 /bin/hostname failed.

I can put Python 2.3 back to get you the exact error if you need it, but
if this is a known problem, the installation docs say it works with
anything newer than Python 2.2.  It doesn't with 2.3.



Rob McCauley, GCFA
High Performance Computing & Scientific Visualization
Lockheed Martin, Supporting the EPA
Research Triangle Park, NC
fax 919-541-0056

Federal Infrastructure Contact - Ravi Nair
919.541.5467 -
Federal Visualization Contract - Joe Retzer, Ph.D.
919.541.4190 -


mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by on 2009-07-28 11:49:29 -0500

This message has 1 attachment(s)

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by on 2009-07-28 11:49:29 -0500

Attachment added: untitled-part.html (1.1 KiB) Added by email2trac

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by on 2009-07-28 12:25:52 -0500

Here's the full text of the error:

[mrz@b2 ~]$ mpiexec -n 1 /bin/hostname b2_55855: mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling: exceptions.NameError: global name 'set' is not defined /usr/local/bin/mpd 854 calculate_process_mapping node_to_ranks[node_id] = set([]) /usr/local/bin/mpd 923 handle_lhs_input process_mapping_str = self.calculate_process_mapping(msg['process_mapping']) /usr/local/bin/ 780 handle_active_streams handler(stream,_args) /usr/local/bin/mpd 294 runmainloop rv = self.streamHandler.handle_active_streams(timeout=8.0) /usr/local/bin/mpd 263 run self.runmainloop() /usr/local/bin/mpd 1611 ? b2_mpdman_0 (run 435): expected cmd="process_mapping", got cmd="__notpresent*" instead mpiexec_b2 (mpiexec 464): mpiexec: from man, invalid msg=:{}: [1] + Exit 1 mpd

mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by goodell on 2009-07-28 12:39:10 -0500

Hi Rob,

Thanks for the bug report. Let me ask around with our python experts here and see if there's a way to do the same thing that is more portable across python versions.


mpichbot commented 7 years ago

Originally by goodell on 2009-07-29 14:12:19 -0500

This should be fixed in [54824c069df9bb0004eb86b2cf74c8d94d79104b]. Resolving.