pmusolino / Wormholy

iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙‍♂️
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Search Result on Response Body and Request Body screen not visible on darkmode. #128

Closed affanhasby closed 1 year ago

affanhasby commented 1 year ago

Description : When doing search in Response/Request Body, the text is not visible because text color blend with background color.

Step to reproduce :

  1. Make sure you're running in Darkmode.
  2. Shake Apps to trigger wormholy screen.
  3. Tap one of API listed there.
  4. Tap Request Body or Response Body.
  5. Search a keyword on search bar.
  6. Your Screen only show matched keyword, other text is not visible (see screenshoot below)

Screenshoot issue : image (12) (1)

rickirby commented 1 year ago

hi @pmusolino is there any update for this issue? I've made PR for the fix here

pmusolino commented 1 year ago

Merged :shipit: