pmusolino / Wormholy

iOS network debugging, like a wizard 🧙‍♂️
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Request body can't be seen again in Wormholy 1.6.3 #97

Closed San-Di closed 3 years ago

San-Di commented 3 years ago


I am using wormholy in version 1.6.3 and my installation in pod file is pod 'Wormholy', :configurations => ['Debug'] for ios version 13 with swift 5.

But yet I still can't see my request body.

Please help me with the issue. And also point if I need extra configuration to set.

Thank you in advanced.

pmusolino commented 3 years ago

Hi there. Are you sure that you are using version 1.6.3? Can you run a pod repo update && pod update?

San-Di commented 3 years ago

Hello @pmusolino ,

Thank you for your quick response. Yes I am using Wormholy (1.6.3) and I also tried pod update and reinstall.

And I'm still not seeing the request body. Do I still need any other configurations?

pmusolino commented 3 years ago

Can you try to install the demo app, and see if you are able to see the request body? Are you using Alamofire or URLSession?

San-Di commented 3 years ago


Yeh, I tried the demo app and still not seeing request body for all API requests, I have no problem with response body though. I am using Alamofire ( 5.4.0 v) for my project.

Here is how I installed Wormholy pod 'Wormholy', :configurations => ['Debug'] in podfile for my app.

pmusolino commented 3 years ago

Hey @San-Di, I investigated and you was right, there was a bug. I fixed it in the latest version 1.6.4. Can you try it?


NomadicWarrior commented 1 year ago

Hi, I also installed Wormholy pod 'Wormholy', :configurations => ['Debug'] in podfile for my app. version: 1.6.6 Alamofire 5.5.0 Can not see the response body. It shows only -